Tag Archive for love

Are You “Head Over Heels”?

I’m in that mood again: where the heck did that phrase come from?  Please indulge me.  It gives me a break from serious thinking.

Of course, you know what it means–super excited, hyper-interested, like, wow! that’s unbelievably fantastic!  And most people associate it with being in love.

Originally, though, it just meant being upside down, topsy-turvy.  The romantic soul who tied it into love for the first time did so in his autobiography in 1834.  That was none other than Davey Crockett.

How’s that for a bit of trivia that you can’t work into any conversation?

Chocolate Me for Chocolate Day

To many of us, chocolate is comfort food. And, since we can all use some comfort, what better day than today, Chocolate Day? I hope you enjouy my little chocolaty poem:


In my next life, I’ll be chocolate.

Sometimes nutty, sometimes smooth,

Sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet,

Or hiding a squishy center.

Harmless in moderation

But increasingly expensive.

A melting mess in warm hands

While maintaining my allure.

Adding weight to the over-burdened.

Raising spirits periodically.

Hazardous in extremes.

A cause of sibling rivalries

(Fighting over me!)

Plus a rapid thumping heart

And a crawling belly ache.

There will be those who want me gone,

Yet secretly crave more of me. 

Yes, that’s what I will be–

Sort of like I am now.

But in that day, when I’m chocolate,

Everyone will love me.

——- Jackie O’Donnell

A Hug Tunnel!

What a great idea! Especially today, in our isolated world. It’s only for a few people right now, but I hope the idea spreads. Here’s the story:

A care home for elderly people in southern Brazil has come up with a creative way to bring some love to its residents amid the coronavirus pandemic, by creating a “hug tunnel” that allows relatives to safely embrace them. READ MORE AT Brazilian care home creates ‘hug tunnel’ so loved ones can embrace elderly relatives.

How You Are Significant

Some days we get down on ourselves, thinking we don’t matter, that we’re not doing anything important. Today’s Thursday Thought quote is for those days.

Worshiping the God of Hate

I switched my Thursday Thought to today because my dog insisted I honor her on yesterday’s National Love Your Pet Day. So, here’s today’s Day-After-Thursday-Thought quote. It struck me because of all the hatred, manipulation, lies, half-truths, and distrust I’m seeing in my world today, especially in my country.

“This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one’s tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind. We can no longer afford to worship the God of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. History is cluttered with the wreckage of nations and individuals that pursued this self-defeating path of hate.” (From Martin Luther King’s speech “When Silence Is Betrayal,” given at Riverside Church, New York, April 4, 1967.)

A Question for Valentine’s Day

On this Valentine’s Day–a day celebrating love and caring–it occurred to me that, if natural enemies can overcome their fear, distrust, and unloving attitudes toward each other, why can’t humans?

A Special Valentine Gift

You may be thinking about a gift for your loved one for Valentine’s Day, since it’s getting to be last-minute. How about this?

Give your Valentine a locally-grown plant to enjoy for a long time rather than a bouquet of short-lasting flowers which traveled great distances to get here.  (80% of the flowers sold in the U.S. come from Colombia and Ecuador.)  It’s a loving gift that will last months or years to come, reminding that special someone of your love.

Love, Criticism, & Kids

Parenting is hard! We want our kids to grow up right. But, because we’re human, we get tired of repeating the same things again and again–like how dirty their room is, they forgot to do their chores, why we constantly have to remind them to do their homework, that they broke their promise to do something…. Today’s Thursday Thought quote gives us good reason to try to be more patient with our precious children.

Love and Calm in the New Year

A calm, beautiful 2020 to you and your loved ones!  (Here are two of mine.)

Keep Them Close

Today’s Thursday Thought quote suggests we should remember to treat family as we do others. We tend to nurture friendships and business relationships but take family for granted, knowing that they’re stuck with us. Yet, practicing humility, compassion, respect, courtesy, and love with them is good practice for dealing with others in our often frantic world.

“Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them.  Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them ‘I am sorry’; ‘forgive me’; ‘please’; ‘thank you,’ and all those loving words you know!” —  Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez (“Gabe”)