Tag Archive for love

The Intersection of Truth and Love

In today’s Thursday Thought quote, this Saint (used to be Edith Stein) gives us a simple way to measure love and truth.

Sign of the Times (I Wish)

A friend sent me this picture of a sign displayed at a gathering she attended. I don’t care what the agenda of the gathering was. I just really like the sign and hope I live to see it come true. Here’s today’s Thursday Thought.

Prepare and Share for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is almost here and you don’t have a gift for your Special Person.  Why not choose a gift that says, “Let’s share our love!”  Present Sweetie with something that benefits a group or cause.  Many companies dedicate proceeds from the sale of certain products to fighting cancer, preventing domestic violence, or helping victims of disasters.   Others offer “fair trade” products–food items, for example, whose production has been overseen to ensure that workers have not been enslaved or mistreated.   Possible gifts include cosmetics, gloves, scarves, T-shirts, fitness aids (exercise mats, heart-rate monitor watch, etc.), lunch boxes, coffee, and chocolate. 

A Gentle Reminder

Today just seemed a good day for the reminder that this Thursday Thought quote gives us:

“Love has no gender – compassion has no religion – character has no race.” — Abhijit Naskar

Do You Pray?

You probably do pray sometimes when you don’t recognize it as actual “prayer.”  Even atheists pray.

Sometimes I come across something I think is a beautiful way to look at things. I found this on the Facebook posting of a friend and want to pass it on to you for today’s Thursday Thought.

It’s a Special Day for Me: a Personal Note

Today would have been my 37th wedding anniversary. The years were filled with “for better” and “for worse,” “sickness” and “health.” We shared bringing new life into this world and seeing cherished loved ones move onto the next. We had some fierce disagreements and did a lot of forgiving–of each other and of ourselves. We enjoyed adventures together and, as we aged, commiserated with the fact that, more and more often, our bodies laughed at us and asked us, “You think you’re going to do WHAT?!”  We comforted each other over the estrangement of a friend or relative, then rejoiced with each other over reconciliation with them.

We helped each other adapt to severe changes in our lives, cried mutual tears of joy at our son’s wedding–and grieved over his divorce–exchanged laughter and knowing looks when hearing a young person’s exact, well laid-out plans for the future, and had our hearts melt at a wagging tail, four paws, and big brown eyes that say, “I’d love you even if you were to beat me.”  We worked as a team through hardship, tragedy, heartbreak, and financial difficulties and came out closer as a result.

The “worse” and “sickness” we vowed to get through was not fun or easy, but we got through it because we had one other. Besides, we always focused on the “better” and the “health,” letting the other simply fade away. That’s called Living Life.

We had only 35 years together here on Earth. He has moved on, leaving me with memories and family who carry on his love for me.

I miss you, Frank, but thank you for the years we did have.  And for the memories that sustain me.

Put Your Heart into this Valentine Trivia

I don’t feel like being serious today, so how about a little Valentine Trivia to get you in the mood for tomorrow? (Answers are at the bottom.)

1–It is said that St. Valentine fell in love with whom? a) his jailer’s daughter, b) his neighbor’s daughter, c) his teacher

2–During the Roaring 20s, what were valentines shaped like?  a)violets, b) musical notes, c) apples, d) tomatoes

3–How many Valentine cards are exchanged each year?  a) million, b) 1 5 million, c) 1 billion, d) 2 billion

4–Who created the first heart-shaped box of Valentine chocolates?  a) Richard Cadbury, b) Rudolph Lindt, c) Mary See

5–Who buys the most flowers on Valentines Day?  a) teens, b) men, c) women, d) bosses

6–How many people buy their pets a gift on Valentine’s Day?  a) 3 million, b) 5 million, c) 7 million, d) 9 million

7–After cards, what is the most popular Valentine’s Day gift?  a) flowers, b) candy, c) jewelry, d) romantic dinner

8–What was the first company to manufacturer valentines?  a) Hallmark, b) Norcross, c) Greenway, d) American Greetings

9–What does the word “valentine” mean?  a) love, b) romance, c) strong, d) betrothal

10–Who brought the first valentine to America?  a) the Puritans, b) the Quakers, c) the French, d) the Pilgrims

ANSWERS: 1 A – 2 D – 3 C – 4 A – 5 B – 6 D – 7 A – 8 C – 9 C – 10  A

❤  Happy Valentine’s Day anyway!  ❤


Personal Note: Anniversary

Today would have been my 36th wedding anniversary. The years were filled with “for better” and “for worse,” “sickness” and “health.” We shared bringing new life into this world and seeing cherished loved ones move onto the next. We had some fierce disagreements and did a lot of forgiving–of each other and of ourselves. We enjoyed adventures together and, as we aged, commiserated with the fact that, more and more often, our bodies laughed at us and asked us, “You think you’re going to do WHAT?!”  We comforted each other over the estrangement of a friend or relative, then rejoiced with each other over reconciliation with them.

We helped each other adapt to severe changes in our lives, cried mutual tears of joy at our son’s wedding, exchanged laughter and knowing looks when hearing a young person’s exact, well laid-out plans for the future, and had our hearts melt at a wagging tail, four paws, and big brown eyes that say, “I’d love you even if you were to beat me.”  We worked as a team through hardship, tragedy, heartbreak, and financial difficulties and came out closer as a result.

The “worse” and “sickness” we vowed to get through was not fun or easy, but we got through it because we had one other. Besides, we always focused on the “better” and the “health,” letting the other simply fade away. That’s called Living Life.

We didn’t have another 35 years together here on Earth, not even an additional four months. He has moved on, leaving me with memories and family who carry on his love for me.

I miss you, Frank, but thank you for the years we did have.  And for the memories that sustain me.

A Child, A Shirt, and Peace

We should all wear tee shirts like this…and mean it. 


Today’s Thursday Thought points out the benefit of loving others.