Tag Archive for respect

Let Me Dream

Starting in November, no matter who we vote in as President, I fervently hope the spirit of Martin Luther King., Jr. rests upon his shoulders and infuses his decisions with the fire to fight violence and its major cause, injustice, in our nation.  I dream that this spirit spreads from our leader to our lawmakers, who will then regain the respect of their constituents, who will, in turn, reject violence in all its dehumanizing forms and embrace justice for all of our citizens.  From there, they will demand justice for all other citizens of the world and pursue it in peaceful, yet effective ways.

This is a huge dream, even a foolishly optimistic one.  But, just imagine–if everyone shared my dream and worked to make it reality, what would our new world look like?

Let me dream.

Hey, Dearie, Listen Up

You hear it all the time — older people being treated like children, spoken down to. There isn’t any ill intention in this. In fact, some people think they’re being caring and respectful. How do you suppose the older person feels? Climb into the mind of this imaginary senior citizen and find out.

There it is again. “Hello, Dear.”  “Let me do that for you, Sweetheart.”  “You want anything else, Honey?”

Guess what, Dearie!  I’m NOT your “Dear” or your “Sweetheart” or your “Honey.”  You don’t even know me.   Only my loved ones are allowed to call me those things.

Why do you do that?  I’m an adult.  Do you think my wrinkled face makes me feeble-minded?  Or that, because I move slowly, I need you to be my nursemaid?  You know, I’m quiet because I’ve learned to talk only when I have something to say—doesn’t mean I can’t talk.  Or hear, for that matter.  So why do you insist on shouting at me and treating me like a child?

I think I’ve lived long enough and been through enough to have earned some respect.  How about it?

A Slogan for All Candidates

If you’re a regular reader, you know I don’t get into politics. This isn’t meant to be political It’s just that I’m heartsick at how people in high positions are treating others verbally. Name-calling, belittling them as people, criticizing their viewpoints as stupid or anti-American, saying negative things opposite to what the person said about them until that person did/said something that went against their wishes.

None of this serves us as human beings or as Americans.  In fact, it demeans all of us as we repeat lies, half-truths, and nasty verbiage.

I have a campaign slogan I want ALL political candidates to adhere to: MAKE AMERICA CIVIL, DECENT, AND RESPECTFUL AGAIN!

Keep Them Close

Today’s Thursday Thought quote suggests we should remember to treat family as we do others. We tend to nurture friendships and business relationships but take family for granted, knowing that they’re stuck with us. Yet, practicing humility, compassion, respect, courtesy, and love with them is good practice for dealing with others in our often frantic world.

“Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them.  Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them ‘I am sorry’; ‘forgive me’; ‘please’; ‘thank you,’ and all those loving words you know!” —  Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez (“Gabe”)

Accentuate the Positive

Studies have been done on the effects that comments have on people.  It’s obvious that negative comments are hurtful.  We all know the gut-feeling when someone says something that cuts us down, lumps us into an unpopular category, refers to our loved one in an unkind way, makes our work seem meaningless, or otherwise shows contempt toward us and disrespect for us as a person.  Those studies indicate that a single negative comment takes five positive ones to counteract.  Herein lie two lessons: 1) We should try to avoid those soul-tearing words, yet notice when we slip and say them…it happens to all of us. 2) We should practice saying five positive things daily to each person we live with or have frequent contact with.  In this way, we work toward showing more respect for other members of our human family.  And our emphasizing the positive makes us a happier, less stressed-out person.

Family–Personal Note

I’m excited. Family I love very much is coming for a week’s visit in a few days. We haven’t been physically together for two years. Phone calls, emails, and texts just aren’t the same.

Anticipation of the visit has had me thinking a lot about family, whether blood-related or friends we consider family…how much of an impact they make on our lives. They’re there, if only in spirit, in my joys and sorrows, to bounce ideas off of when I’m making a decision, to agree to disagree with on issues and concerns, to remind me to take better care of my health (because it matters to them), to respect me as a person, to let me be me and still love me.

Dear readers, I wish for all of you FAMILY!

How to Offer Respect this Memorial Day

Remember. Respect. Work toward the world they fought and died for.

Parades and Respect for Our Military

Please, Mr. Trump, no military parade.  In authoritarian regimes, such a parade emphasizes tanks, bombs,  and military personnel trained to look adoringly toward their leader and salute him as they pass by his grandstand.  In the U.S., we stand for something different–people, not machines (whether mechanical or trained humans).  The kind of parade the President wants is the former, not the latter.

I think such a parade shows disrespect for the men and women who serve us so unselfishly.  They are the ones who should be honored, not the military might and threat of our country.  And such respect should be afforded them daily and sincerely, not for an hour during a glitzy parade that doesn’t reflect who they are both as people and as our protectors.

Instead of a parade, Mr. President, how about putting the large amount of money it would cost into housing for homeless vets?

That Kneeling is Actually Showing RESPECT

I don’t get it.  Why are people upset at athletes (and now others) kneeling on one knee during the National Anthem? No, this isn’t me taking sides politically.  I just happen to know the historical significance of that act.

Look at the times when, traditionally, a person kneels on one knee: when a man proposes marriage, when a person is being knighted, and, for Catholics, when entering a pew at church.

In each case, the one-knee kneeling–whether briefly or for a longer time–is done to show respect and a willingness to submit.  The man shows he’s willing to merge his life with his future spouse.  The person being knighted shows his dedication to the Queen.  And the church-goer shows his acceptance of the power and majesty of God.

I see those athletes as respectful–people showing their respect for and devotion to their country, and their promise to America a better place for everyone.

Trouble with the ADA

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a bunch of hooey.  Disabled people are being too pampered.  They should learn to adjust.

This attitude does exist.  Many people believe that the ADA makes everything accessible by law.  However, restaurants are a good example of how the ADA is either being ignored, is minimally (therefore uselessly) adhered to, or simply doesn’t cover problems people with disabilities have in trying to live regular lives.

Consider reaching up to get food from a high counter, the attitudes of restaurant employees, space at tables to “park” a wheelchair or scooter, tight space to negotiate between tables, being ignored and disrespected. And don’t get me started on the supposed “accessible” bathrooms!

Eater has issued a report called “Restaurants Haven’t Lived Up to the Promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act.”  You might find it interesting, especially if you or a family member or friend has a disability.