Tag Archive for America

Halloween Costumes

You may be planning to choose a last-minute Halloween costume this weekend for your kids or for an adult party.  Some people may say, “Wear what you want and to H-E-Double-Toothpick with what people think.”  Fact is, though, that you or your kids will be around a cross-section of America.  You know, the country that calls itself the “melting pot”?  And a population of people who have had some pretty bad experiences.

Keep that in mind.  If you have what you think is funny or perfect to wear, check out Don’t Even Think of Wearing These 14 Costumes for Halloween.  It explains why certain costumes should not even be considered.

Have fun on Halloween.  And let others happily enjoy themselves, as well.



Post-July 4 Country Love

I may be two days late, but…oh well….  I just really liked these pictures depicting the goodness of our country.  I think you’ll like them, too.  Visit “Thirteen Photos that will Make You Fall in Love with America All Over Again.”

God HAS blessed America!



Speak English, Darn It!

[The other day I was waiting for a table at my local cafe when I overheard two things: a couple speaking in a foreign language, and a trio of angry people, complaining about the couple’s audacity at not speaking English.  That led me to write the following thoughts.]

*     *      *      *      *

My blood boils as I wait to be seated at a restaurant, two people near me talking in another language.  They’re in America, so they should speak English!

But why?  Do I think they’re talking about me?  Or planning to rob the place?  Do I really want (or need) to know what they’re saying?  If they were speaking English, it would be rude of me to eavesdrop.  I’m not bothered by people speaking in sign language or teens speaking their brand of “English” (although I could do without some of those words).  I, like most people, pepper my everyday language with borrowings from Spanish, German, Yiddish, Italian.  And I know that if I go to England, people there will complain that I don’t really speak English at all!

Next time, then, I resolve to turn boiling blood into thankfulness for living in a country made up of a rich tapestry of cultures, all of which add words to that ever-evolving banquet of language we call “English.”



A Truly American Celebration

Because Cinco de Mayo is a bigger celebration in the U.S. than in Mexico (no, it isn’t Mexican Independence Day), today’s Thursday Thought celebrates the meaning of this day:

“Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.”  —  Joe Baca


Do You Face Discrimination at Work?

So, you think you’re being discriminated against at work because of your religion–or lack of religion.  Guess what. You may be right.  Doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, Christian, atheist, or whatever.  This is according to a 2013 national survey released by the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding, which says that a third of American workers either feel religious discrimination or observe it at work.

In America, a nation built on religious freedom!

Read about this trend at “Study: Workplace Religious Discrimination on the Rise.”

Then, go to work and do something about it.



So. Carolina Helps Unite America

This morning, America took an overdue step forward in uniting our people.  The Confederate battle flag came down from the SC state building.

Those Southerners who see the flag as a symbol of their heritage forget that this was not the original Confederate flag under which the Southern states united to preserve their economy.  In fact, it’s a symbol of division rather than unity.  If the Civil War didn’t make it that, SC did in 1961 when they raised it in protest against desegregation, the law that said that everyone, including Blacks, deserves an equal chance at an education and that people should not be divided into groups according to the color of their skin.

I think the crowd witnessing the flag’s retirement summed it up in their massive chant of “USA! USA! USA!”



Robin Williams as the American Flag

In honor of our nation’s birth, here’s a classic video of Robin Williams in the persona of the Stars and Stripes.  Happy 4th of July, all!




Mike Nicols on the American Dream

Today’s Thursday Thought comes from the multi-talented German immigrant who passed away yesterday, Mike Nicols.  His quote offers an interesting view of what Americans hope for and dream of:

“There’s nothing in the American dream about character.  It’s a serious flaw.”



Women are “Like Men, Only Cheaper”

Women have real worth: they’re cheap.  That’s why the filthy-rich founder of an online advertising company hires them.  They do the work of men, but he doesn’t have to pay them as much.

Well, at least he admits it.

Read this fascinating article by Sarah Gray.  And take note that this is happening in America as well as in Australia–and where else?



New Political Party Worth Considering

Tired of the Democrats, Republicans, and other political parties, including the semi-Republican Tea Party?  About a year ago I proposed an alternative, and today–National Coffee Day–is the perfect time to propose it again.

Join our Coffee Party.  We’ll offer alert, robust candidates who have never bean influenced by special-interest drips, intelligent men and women who let an idea percolate before making a decision.  In fact, Juan Valdez, an excellent example, heads our Board.

We’ll energize American politics and fill all American’s empty cups with hope.  We’ll stop trouble before it begins to brew.

So, wake up, Dear Reader, and join our grande Coffee Party today.  You know you won’t be able to sleep until you do.