Archive for admin

Read Before Using that Hand Sanitizer

Most of us are using hand sanitizer to protect ourselves and our loved ones from getting sick. Question is, are we using the right one (not just 60%, but the ingredients, too), using it at the right time and properly, and know its effectiveness and dangers? AARP put out a helpful article that answers these concerns. I’ll list their warnings and you should go to 7 Things to Know About Hand Sanitizer for details.

1.Hand sanitizer kills germs but doesn’t clean your hands.

2.Sanitizer trumps soap and water in certain situations.

3.Not all hand sanitizers are equal.

4.Sanitizing technique matters.

5.Cleaning products are not a substitute for hand sanitizer.

6.Hand sanitizer can be dangerous.

7.Hand sanitizer can be dangerous.

Know How to Boil Water?

When boiling water, cover the pan.  This prevents evaporation and makes the water boil faster, thus saving both water and energy.

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[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

A Thought for Plant-Lovers

I talk to plants. Some people think I’m daffy, but I see the results. Even the ones I “adopt” from the neighbor’s trash pile revive and grow. I’m convinced that talking to them helps. That’s why today’s Thursday Thought quote has a ring of truth in in for me.

Donate Money Without Paying a Cent

How can you help many without leaving your chair and NOT opening up your checkbook?  Next time you’re on the Internet, go to and look at the topics listed across the top.  Choose to support any or all of these: hunger, breast cancer, animal rescue, veterans, autism, child health, literacy, and the rainforest.  Pick a cause, then, when it opens, press “Click Here to Give—It’s Free!”  Various sponsors give money for each click we do, supporting reputable groups which work toward helping others or our environment. You don’t give any information, so nobody will solicit funds from you or send you spam. You can continue to contribute by clicking on any or all once a day, or at least each time you sign onto the internet.  Stick the site into your “Favorites,” or send yourself a weekly reminder email with the address to link you quickly to the site.  How easy is that!

A Mask that Cheats You of Money and Protection

Health professionals, including the CDC, are warning us about masks with exhale valves ( a certain type of N-95 mask) being sold as more comfortable and cooler. Don’t buy them. They don’t meet requirements of the CDC or some areas, because it’s questionable about how effective they are in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Here’s the thing. Most valves don’t have a filter. That means that when you exhale, everything — including droplets — are pushed out through the valve and into your surroundings. In other words, theses masks, like most others used properly, give you a little protection from other people, they do NOT protect your friends, loved ones, acquaintances, or strangers you get near to. So you may be spreading the virus. (Remember: you may be symptom-free or have been infected but not know it.)

And that’s the point of masks — to protect others while they’re protecting us.

Save your money and keep fighting this virus!

Read more: A Certain Type of N95 Mask May Do More Harm Than Good.

ReStore Your Home

As you plan repairs and remodel, check to see if Habitat for Humanity has a ReStore in your community. They sell quality used and new goods and furniture at 50-70% off retail. Help the Earth, save money, and support a great cause, all at the same time.

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[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

Cancel 2020 or Not

When I started reading this Thursday Thought offering, I thought the idea was crazy. The more I read, the more I grew in understanding, hope, and determination. No, it’s not at all a crazy idea.

For a Healthy Marriage

“AFTER the kids are grown and we retire, THEN we’ll have time for us!” Too many couples put their relationship last.  Wouldn’t it be better if our kids grew up with a different outlook, that Marriage, as the heart of Family, is important enough to nourish?  We can do this in our own homes and among friends.  Find out about Marriage Encounter weekends and couples’ group activities. Do a date-night exchange, taking turns watching the kids while one couple goes out on a date—or just goes back home alone for a few hours.  Give that extra set of tickets to friends who need a night out.  Or take their kids with yours to the Children’s Discovery Museum and turn over your pool or hot tub to the parents for an afternoon.  All these things are inexpensive or free to you but priceless to your friends.  Your reward comes when they return the favor, and the community benefits from healthier marriages, both yours and your children’s!

Hey, Dearie, Listen Up

You hear it all the time — older people being treated like children, spoken down to. There isn’t any ill intention in this. In fact, some people think they’re being caring and respectful. How do you suppose the older person feels? Climb into the mind of this imaginary senior citizen and find out.

There it is again. “Hello, Dear.”  “Let me do that for you, Sweetheart.”  “You want anything else, Honey?”

Guess what, Dearie!  I’m NOT your “Dear” or your “Sweetheart” or your “Honey.”  You don’t even know me.   Only my loved ones are allowed to call me those things.

Why do you do that?  I’m an adult.  Do you think my wrinkled face makes me feeble-minded?  Or that, because I move slowly, I need you to be my nursemaid?  You know, I’m quiet because I’ve learned to talk only when I have something to say—doesn’t mean I can’t talk.  Or hear, for that matter.  So why do you insist on shouting at me and treating me like a child?

I think I’ve lived long enough and been through enough to have earned some respect.  How about it?

You Don’t Need Worms for Success

SUNSHINE! Time to care for our traumatized yards. This year, grow vigorous plants without chemicals, prevent wind/water erosion, and use less water while decreasing the chance of plant-disease.  It’s easy.  Just start composting.

Hate worms?  No problem.  You don’t need the squiggly creatures, or even a container.  Start small, with a compost trench.  Rake those leaves into trenches between flower beds and forget them.  They’ll turn into mulch which you can spread around plants or mix into their soil. 

Compost pockets are easy, too.  They’re 18” deep holes into which you place scraps, like fruit, vegetables, and coffee grinds, then fill with dirt.  In a month, plant something there and watch it thrive. 

Consider this: by composting, most communities could reuse 50% of the waste they produce.  Give it a try and have some family fun.