Tag Archive for warning

A Mask that Cheats You of Money and Protection

Health professionals, including the CDC, are warning us about masks with exhale valves ( a certain type of N-95 mask) being sold as more comfortable and cooler. Don’t buy them. They don’t meet requirements of the CDC or some areas, because it’s questionable about how effective they are in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Here’s the thing. Most valves don’t have a filter. That means that when you exhale, everything — including droplets — are pushed out through the valve and into your surroundings. In other words, theses masks, like most others used properly, give you a little protection from other people, they do NOT protect your friends, loved ones, acquaintances, or strangers you get near to. So you may be spreading the virus. (Remember: you may be symptom-free or have been infected but not know it.)

And that’s the point of masks — to protect others while they’re protecting us.

Save your money and keep fighting this virus!

Read more: A Certain Type of N95 Mask May Do More Harm Than Good.

About Those Apples….

Not all signs on churches are preachy. Well, not a direct warning, at least. I thought this one was clever, humorous, and both a modern and ancient warning.

A Pun for the Day

Warning: I Feel Punny

Sometimes I just want to take a day off from the seriousness of the world.  Because I’m a word-person, on those days you’ll have to put up with a pun or two.  Remember that you were warned!

#1–When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.

#2–To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

#3–(One more, because it’s one of those days.) Police were called to a daycare, where a 3-year-old was resisting a rest.

Good.  It’s out of my system.  I’ll be all better tomorrow.

Risk and Warnings of Suicide and What to Do

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain are only the latest suicides we’ve heard about. They made the news because they’re famous people who “had it all.”  But they didn’t, really. They lacked something important in their lives.

We all know people like them–not famous, maybe, but people who may be thinking that life isn’t worth living so why not end it. People who contribute something to this world, even if it’s “just” their love for a friend or relative.

We can, and should, keep our eyes open for the signs. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s list of Risk Factors and Warning Signs can help us spot the warning signs (talk, behavior, and mood) and risk factors (health, environment, and history).  When we recognize one in someone, or even think we do, we should talk to a trained crisis counselor at the Suicide Prevention Hotline. Phone them at  1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741 to message with a trained crisis counselor. And if you feel they’re getting close to committing suicide, call 911 and don’t leave them alone under any circumstances.

Not only are you saving their life, but you’re also reminding them that there’s at least one person who wants to continue sharing this world with them. A little thing but one that may just help them find something worth living for.


Not that Graphic

Warning: What you’re about to see is graphic and can be disturbing. We often hear this warning on TV news.  Have you ever noticed, though, that what they show is nothing compared to scenes in movies and TV shows where we don’t get the warning?  Mmmmm……