Why is exercising integrity a big load off of your shoulders? In today’s Thursday Thought quote, Zig Zigler explains.

Why is exercising integrity a big load off of your shoulders? In today’s Thursday Thought quote, Zig Zigler explains.
Today is (believe it or not) National Chocolate Day. I admit, as a chocoholic, I don’t need a reason to eat chocolate. But I have one.
A study in England showed that employees who were given chocolate or shown videos of stand-up comics were actually 12% more productive. So, my excuse for scarfing up chocolate (while watching a comic or not)–and you can use it, too–is that you have a whole bunch of stuff to get done.
Sixteen-year-old Noor ran the best race of her life–then was disqualified. During the pre-race uniform check, her teammate was told she was in violation and had to change her shorts. Noor wore the same uniform through years of competition and nobody said anything. Her coach, who is responsible for making sure all of his athletes meet OHSSA rules and regulations, said nothing during those years or on that day. But that day, a day she, her coach, team, parents, family, and friends should be celebrating, she was disqualified for a uniform violation–wearing her customary hijab, which officials put into the same category as a cap or hat, thus violating their rules. Unless it was religious, in which case the athlete had to get special permission in advance from OHSSA (she was never asked before or told about the rule).
Whose fault was this? Certainly not Noor’s. Maybe society’s. Why would any person or organization consider religious attire on the same level as a baseball cap or sun hat? Or think that special advance permission was needed for such a common expression of faith? Christians, hide the cross or crucifix you wear around your neck, and Jews hide your Star of David. And, Noor, please know that most of us respect your meeting your religious dictates, as well as your talent.
Today’s Thursday Thought quote suggests we should remember to treat family as we do others. We tend to nurture friendships and business relationships but take family for granted, knowing that they’re stuck with us. Yet, practicing humility, compassion, respect, courtesy, and love with them is good practice for dealing with others in our often frantic world.
“Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them. Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them ‘I am sorry’; ‘forgive me’; ‘please’; ‘thank you,’ and all those loving words you know!” — Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez (“Gabe”)
Here’s a bully-pulpit for you. There’s so much in the news about kids being bullied and the damage it does to them not just at the time but throughout their lives. We never forget those bad experiences when others teased and belittled us, made us feel inadequate, unloved, unwanted, a laughing-stock, emotionally drained, physically ill, terrorized, totally alone in the world.
Use this forum to share an experience you had in which a bully made you feel this way and how it affected your life.
I’ll start. I was in 7th grade, shy and plump and walking on crutches and leg braces. When I’d walk by a certain group of boys, they’d talk in a foreign language, look at me, imitate the way I walked, make hand gestures pointing out my roundish figure. They even waited until I walked by the stairwell and dropped spit on me from above. I cried a lot. I avoided that stairwell whenever possible. I was afraid to tell anyone or ask others to walk with me. I was miserable and alone. Later, that was the language I chose to learn for my college language requirement, and it took several friends from that ethnic group to get me over my fear and, yes, loathing, of that group. As an adult, I still get a twinge of discomfort when I think of those junior-high days, but I’m tuned into bullying and ready to step in whenever I see it.
Now it’s your turn….Write your experience here.
Ever notice how many protesters have their faces covered? This is true all over the world, including here in the U.S. Yet we have freedom of speech. If I’m expressing beliefs and opinions I truly believe in, why don’t I want people to see my face? If I’m hiding my identity because I’m doing something illegal, like smashing the store windows of people not involved in what I’m protesting against, and if I think that’s the right and moral thing to do, I should stand up to be counted–and let everyone see your face.
I understand the cover-up in countries where the regime will arrest and execute me just for speaking out, but not here in America. Come on, protesters, let’s see your proud, righteous faces as you sling that brick.
Yes, they’re bothersome sometimes. And some people are allergic to them. But they’re very clean and do us a very sweet service.
A new drug enters the market with a 20-year monopoly before a generic version of it can be sold. This is the time period in which the pharmaceutical company recoups the amount it spent in developing the drug. In other words, unlike your small business, they get to charge a high price for that little pill until they break even. If that’s the case, why don’t they drop the price after 20 years? The answer is simple: more profits.
Yes, a generic company can make a cheaper version and challenge the 20-year window through the FDA. It’s really a patent challenge, claiming that there’s a flaw in the patent or it isn’t valid for some other reason. Of course, the big-pharma company counter-sues leading to lengthy and expensive litigation. If they think they might lose or don’t want to take the chance, they just settle it all with an agreement that the generic company will drop the suit and hold off introducing their more affordable pill, and, in exchange, big-pharma will pay them a tidy sum. Everybody wins, right?
Wait a minute. What about us consumers who depend on the medicine, especially people who, because of the expense, must often choose between life-saving medications and food or rent? And doesn’t that also add to the high costs of our medical system? Mmmmmmmmm.
I was feeling sorry for myself when I saw this and it pulled me right back up. If you don’t need this Thoughtful Thursday quote, save it for a time you do need it.