Archive for February 28, 2017

Goodbye First Amendment

Can someone please explain to me–WHY?

Isn’t it bad enough that, for a long while, we’ve been seeing hate crimes against people because they are or are perceived as Muslim?  That they’re being killed, attacked, and their places of worship desiccate?

NOW it’s Jewish people.  In the first two months of this year–two months!– there have been 90 hate crimes in 30 states against Jews, their centers, their schools, and their cemeteries.  30 is over half our total number of states.  What does that say about us as Americans?

According to Pew Research, “There are about 4.2 million American adults who say they are Jewish by religion, representing 1.8% of the U.S. adult population. But there are roughly 5.3 million Jews (2.2% of the adult population) if the total also includes ‘Jews of no religion,’” plus  2.4 million adults who claim a “Jewish background” (raised Jewish but have converted to another religion or no longer “feel” Jewish).  Plus another 1.2 million who weren’t raised Jewish but feel they are, in some way, Jewish.

Over 13 million.  That’s a lot of fellow Americans.  That’s a lot of fellow human beings.  Why do we  allow it to happen?  Why do we turn a blind eye toward our countrymen whose only “crime” is being associated with a religion?  When something is as widely accepted and practiced as this is not stopped, it may not be a law but it has the force of law.

Goodbye, First Amendment.

How to Spot Fake News

I stumbled on this article at a time when I was gritting my teeth over a “news” story that had been emailed to me by a friend, who got it from her friend, and so on and so on.  My friend is an intelligent person, but sometimes she blindly accepts as factual what she receives from a friend she trusts.   (I used to do that, too.)

This article from FactCheck.Org, How to Spot Fake News, offers a list of things we can do to be sure that what we’re reading or hearing is true.  I’ll list them here, and you can go to the article to read detailed explanations of each.

  • Consider the source.
  • Read beyond the headline.
  • Check the author.
  • What’s the support?
  • Check the date.
  • Is this some kind of joke?
  • Check your biases.
  • Consult the experts.

I know it seems  like a lot of work.  But it’s worth it if we can nip rumor and misinformation in the bud so that we can know, and act on, the truth.


Talk and Action

Today’s Thursday Thought is a Biblical one that struck me because of how much inhumane action is going on in our world today in the name of doing what’s best for people.



Movie Review: Don’t Jump

Actually, I haven’t seen Angel of Nanjing yet.  But I want to.  This ordinary, flawed man has dedicated his life to stopping people from committing suicide by jumping from China’s “suicide bridge.”  His reward is often being attacked verbally and physically; yet, he persists.  Why?  Because, he says, “When my life got better, I wanted to help the others find hope.”  Not a bad attitude, I’d say.



It Makes Me Cringe Bigly

I have to say it.  I’ve held off, tried to be open-minded and tolerant.  But now that others are picking it up from President Trump, I can’t hold off any longer.  Here it is:


“Bigly” makes me cringe.

Please, please, dear readers–do NOT perpetuate that abomination of a non-word.  For my sake.  For the sake of the English-speaking world!




A Child Tells it Like it Is–or Should Be

This little girl speaks from her heart as she gives advice to  her mom.  Nobody put the words in her mouth.  She’s so young…and so wise. 

(Thanks to Samantha Chen for sending me this video.)

Within Us/About Us

You should read this Thursday Thought quote several times.  It’s really meaty, and its full meaning doesn’t come through on a single reading.  You can read it from a religious standpoint or simply from the view of a person’s purpose in life.

“Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us.” –Peter Taylor (AKA P.T.) Forsyth

An Act of Love on Valentine’s Day

This isn’t just Valentine’s Day; it’s also National Donor Day.  Are you registered as an organ donor?  If you have moral reservations, most religions recognize the practice as an act of generous love toward a co-member of our human family.  Too old or sick?  Nope.  Older donors are accepted, even people with  health issues.  Costs too much?  No again.  There isn’t any cost to donors or their families.

If you aren’t registered yet, Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to do it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


They’re Free–And We Need Them

For the last many days we’ve been living in a world with events that fill us with fear, distrust, anxiety, and all sorts of emotions that separate us from each other as we crawl into our shells seeking safety.  To counter this, I want to start your week with a reminder that we’re all in this together and we’ll get through it together.  To do that, we must reach out to each other.  That’s what the man in this video does.  It makes me want to reach out and hug each of you and everyone else I meet.



Sweet and Fair

You still have a few days to find the perfect chocolate for your Valentinefair trade chocolate that promotes social, economic, and environmental projects, protecting both the workers and the Earth.  Look for the Fair Trade label on products where you shop.

Leaf 6

[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]