Tag Archive for weight

A Healthy Local Program

Cities in the San Francisco Bay Area now have bike-share     programs.  Rent a bike for an hour or a day to run errands, sight-see, etc. (More details can be found at http://bayareabikeshare.com.)  Your city doesn’t have such a program?  Propose it to your local governing board.

Why?  Because if all Americans aged 10-74 walked or biked half an hour a day instead of driving we would save 6.5 billion gallons of gas and lose 3 billion pounds off our bodies!

Leaf 6

[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/view/7000 or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

Weight–Loss News

We can pig out twice a day! New studies show that by eating two large meals a day we can lose just as much weight as with the weight-loss rule of the past, 6 small meals a day (same calorie-intake in both approaches).  This came on the same news-stream as the story that Twinkies will be back on store shelves the middle of July.  Now, I’m no weight-loss guru, but I’d be willing to bet that the first news doesn’t factor in twice-a-day Twinkies for dessert.

So, which news is a cautionary tale for our national obesity epidemic….?




I Can’t “Weight” to Fly

Weigh in at the airport.  That’s what a professor in Norway is proposing.  If you’re over a certain weight, you pay more for your seat.  I assume the rule would be applied evenly to people who are over the limit for all reasons. I’m for that!  Make those obese people pay more, even if they do have a medical condition.  That pregnant woman–it’s her choice to be carrying that extra weight.  Those sports stars, too, who bulk up to fight better, throw balls farther, and squash their opponents more effectively during a game or match.  Those people, too, who claim to weigh just the right amount because they’re 7 feet tall –they block the movie screen from the seat behind them, anyway, and should pay for that, too.  And don’t forget the people wearing heavy casts or leg braces–if they were close to the weight limit without them they should have dieted before flying.  All these people deserve to pay more!  (Of course, I can’t fly anymore, but that’s beside the point.)  Right on, Professor Whoever!
