Sometimes we feel all we do is work, work, work. And to what end? Today’s Thursday Thought gives a glimpse into the future.
Tag Archive for Thursday Thought
A Whoopi (Goldberg) of an Idea
If you watch Whoopi Goldberg in the large variety of movies she’s been in, you come to feel a deep sense of humanity in her. I’m particularly fond of today’s Thursday Thought quote by her:
“We’re here for a reason. I believe that reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.” — Whoopi Goldberg.
Get it Right, Reps!
Are you as sick as I am of the Republican and Democratic Parties? The fact that they’re so stuck on their own agendas that they aren’t getting anything meaningful done? John F. Kennedy had the right idea. I think every Democratic and Republican elected representative should copy today’s Thursday Thought quote and tape it to their bathroom mirror…and to their desk in their legislative chamber.

The Intersection of Truth and Love
In today’s Thursday Thought quote, this Saint (used to be Edith Stein) gives us a simple way to measure love and truth.

Where Humans Come From
This just said it so beautifully, I couldn’t pass it up for today’s Thursday Thought.

Painful Wishes
It’s so hard when someone deliberately attacks us. A red-hot knife goes through us. We want them to hurt as much as we do….Maybe they do. Today’s Thursday Thought gives us something to consider.

Reagan Wisdom
I admit, I wasn’t overjoyed with Ronald Reagan as the governor of my state, and I disagreed with some of his Presidential policies. Often, though, he made good sense, as in today’s Thursday Thought quote.

Good Idea from the Animal World
Sometimes animals have some very good lessons to teach us, as in today’s Thursday Thought.

What’s in a Choice?
Today’s Thursday Thought speaks for itself.

Sign of the Times (I Wish)
A friend sent me this picture of a sign displayed at a gathering she attended. I don’t care what the agenda of the gathering was. I just really like the sign and hope I live to see it come true. Here’s today’s Thursday Thought.