Accentuate the Positive

Studies have been done on the effects that comments have on people.  It’s obvious that negative comments are hurtful.  We all know the gut-feeling when someone says something that cuts us down, lumps us into an unpopular category, refers to our loved one in an unkind way, makes our work seem meaningless, or otherwise shows contempt toward us and disrespect for us as a person.  Those studies indicate that a single negative comment takes five positive ones to counteract.  Herein lie two lessons: 1) We should try to avoid those soul-tearing words, yet notice when we slip and say them…it happens to all of us. 2) We should practice saying five positive things daily to each person we live with or have frequent contact with.  In this way, we work toward showing more respect for other members of our human family.  And our emphasizing the positive makes us a happier, less stressed-out person.

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