Tag Archive for vets

Depressed? Stressed? High BP? Try This

Whoever heard of “horticulture therapy”? Not me. Apparently, it’s a real thing that’s being used in the field of mental health. It seems that plants can help people overcome depression, and gardening helps people both mentally and physically.  It has helped vets, people with addiction, kids, and older adults. According to Gardening becomes healing with horticultural therapy, “Many studies have found that just being in nature — such as taking a walk through a garden, a park, a forest — can improve not only your state of mind but your blood pressure, your heart rate and your stress hormone levels and, over time, can lead to a longer life….But taking care of a plant or a garden with guidance from a therapist goes a step further.”

This is an interesting article, worth a read.

Parades and Respect for Our Military

Please, Mr. Trump, no military parade.  In authoritarian regimes, such a parade emphasizes tanks, bombs,  and military personnel trained to look adoringly toward their leader and salute him as they pass by his grandstand.  In the U.S., we stand for something different–people, not machines (whether mechanical or trained humans).  The kind of parade the President wants is the former, not the latter.

I think such a parade shows disrespect for the men and women who serve us so unselfishly.  They are the ones who should be honored, not the military might and threat of our country.  And such respect should be afforded them daily and sincerely, not for an hour during a glitzy parade that doesn’t reflect who they are both as people and as our protectors.

Instead of a parade, Mr. President, how about putting the large amount of money it would cost into housing for homeless vets?