Tag Archive for President

Politics and Pits–American Slang

As we begin a new year of political mud-slinging, personal attacks, prejudicial statements against groups of people, half-truths, false accusations, and the like, I am reminded of an American slang term: it’s the pits, meaning a situation that’s really terrible.

It actually came from where you’d expect.  In the 1950s, we began using “pits” as shorthand to refer to armpits.  And, of course, people don’t exactly associate perfume and pleasant smells with armpits. It didn’t take long for the phrase “it’s the pits” to make it into everyday American speech.

That’s why I think the term is appropriate for our current Presidential race.  Simply, it’s the pits!



Fence out those Immigrants!

I live in California, a state that has a large population of immigrants coming in illegally.  I should, I suppose, jump on the bandwagon of the Presidential candidates who insist on building a fence to keep them out.  It’s expensive, they all agree, but worth it, say some, or will be paid for by Mexico, claims one.

I don’t understand.  Aren’t those candidates aware that many people come in through Canada, too?  Or overstay their visa or HB work permits?  What about them?  A fence won’t help.  Also, haven’t they seen the statistics that show that  2009-2014 more Mexican immigrants have been choosing, on their own, to return to their families in Mexico than have come into the U.S.?  In addition, those reports show that the theory that they’ve been returning because of our bad economy is false–it has always been better economically here than where they came from.

Come on, candidates, make that bandwagon actually count for something–like plans to solve poverty, under-education, discrimination, bigotry, and violence in our nation.



Take Power Today

Today is a day when all Americans are urged to take control of their and their country’s destiny.  It’s National Voter registration Day.  If you haven’t registered, do it today. It’s so easy, you can do it online…right now.  Search “register to vote online [your state]” and take two minutes to fill out the form.

Some people want to wait to see who the Presidential candidates are.  Wrong approach if you really want to have a say in who is our next President.  We have more power when we decide who the candidates will be, which means voting in the Primaries.  Why have to choose between two people we don’t really want when the best person for the job was beaten in the Primaries–and we didn’t cast our vote then?

Do it. Take power today.

Malia Obama’s Hand in Marriage

How much would President Obama’s daughter Malia fetch in a marriage contract?  Hey, she’s 16, practically an old maid.

A Kenyan lawyer has offered her dad a tidy sum:  50 cows, 70 sheep, and 30 goats to gain Malia as his bride.

This isn’t a hasty decision on the part of Felix Kiprono, who has been interested in her since she was 10 years old, at which time he decided to be faithful to her and wait for her.  Consequently, he hasn’t dated in all that time.

It’s coming out now because Kiprono intends to put his proposal before President Obama when he visits Kenya this July.  He is writing a letter to ask that Malia come with the President on his Kenyan trip.

He wants to live the simple life with his bride, teaching her how to milk a cow and cook ugali (maize porridge) and other traditional Kenyan dishes.

Why do I pass on this story to you?  Because I thought I’d break up your week with a deeply romantic, heart-felt story.  That’s the kind of thing I do for my faithful readers.



So, my job makes me worthless?

Recent data made me feel pretty worthless.  I’ve been a teacher, receptionist, writer, poet, editor, and a few other things in my life. I thought that each of these jobs had value, because they filled needs in society.

I just didn’t realize how little value they held. According to the data gathered by the AFL-CIO, the average CEO makes $37,000 per DAY, more than the average worker makes in a YEAR.  That’s $7,000 per HOUR, or 350 times what the average worker makes.  And that’s what the data-gatherers call “average worker,” who is someone making $20 per hour, therefore likely a union-member.  Where does that put the non-union workers making minimum wage or less?

All my life I’ve felt that any work, any job, has worth and dignity. I don’t like the idea that people who are not CEOs but have great responsibility (President of the U.S., teachers, fire, police, medical professionals, those who keep our buildings clean and sanitary, those who care for our children–anyone with a job that serves others) are valued so much less than the head of a corporation. And I don’t like the death of the American dream, that a person who works hard won’t end up in poverty but will succeed.

Practically speaking, not everyone can make $7,000 per hour.  The question is, should anyone be making that much while others work hard yet struggle to feed their families.

I know some of my readers are thinking that my attitude sounds a bit Communistic.  I look at it as going farther back into history, to the time of the Disciples, who followed their Leader’s teachings by caring for each other and working toward the common good.


Trump, Tell Me This

Looks like Donald Trump will be running for President…again.  There’s something I don’t understand, though, Donald.  How is it that you can afford the extraordinary expense of running for office every four years but can’t afford a decent hair piece?



Pardon Me! (Gobble, Gobble)

President Nixon invented the pardon–at least for Thanksgiving turkeys.  In the midst of controversy about pardoning people involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, he joked about granting a pardon for that year’s turkey that was slated to be sent to the petting zoo instead of the dinner table.  And the term “pardon” stuck.

The whole tradition has an interesting history.  Read about it at “Why Presidents Pardon Turkeys–a History.”  As you gobble up the historical facts, remember this: they don’t have any calories, as opposed to the 4000 or so you may have consumed yesterday.


Simple Strategy for Peace in the Mid East

Hey, Mr. President, I have a strategy for you that would bring peace to the Mid East and lessen fears throughout the world.  Please get the world leaders working on it.

It’s simple, really.  All major nations are skilled in spying and sabotage.  Put those skills to work by creating a huge rift between ISIS/ISIL and the rest of Al- Qaeda.  Convince each that the other is evil and that God wants them  extinguished.  Then stand back and let them destroy each other.

Oh, and, one more thing, Mr. President–just talk to the world leaders about this; do NOT try to get Congressional approval or the process will take ten years.

Boston Bombers: You Got to Us

You proved something to us.  We’re mourning our 3 dead and 176 injured.  And those of us who weren’t there when your bombs went off are watching news coverage of the medically trained marathon volunteers as they rush in to tend the wounded, as well as the many other runners and spectators putting their fear aside to help however they can.  We’re learning of the two soldiers just back from Afghanistan who rushed in to put pressure on wounds, then ran to the hospital to give blood.  We‘re hearing about the many faiths who are organizing an interfaith prayer service for the victims.  We see law enforcement agencies from all levels of government working together to aid victims and find clues to who did this terrible deed.  We’re finding out about people from as far as California, at our nation’s other coast, mobilizing to offer assistance in Boston.  We’re listening to government leaders from the President on down speaking with determination, vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Yes, you got to us.  You got to our spirits and hearts, to the soul of America.  You brought us even closer together as a nation, as a united people.  You brought out our compassion, not our fear.  You emphasized our oneness, not our divisions.  You caused us to focus on what is right and good, not on what is selfish, jingoistic, or evil.

I doubt that that was your intention.