Tag Archive for register

Do it…TODAY!

If you haven’t yet registered to vote, this day was created for you in 2012. The idea is to get as many people as possible registered to vote, because everyone should have a voice in how our democracy will be run in the coming years. If you think your one vote doesn’t matter, think about the math. Your one vote, added to another single vote, added to another…that’s how elections are won and lost and how propositions win or lose. And who gets elected and what propositions we’ll have to live with really DO affect each one of us.

Here’s a safe, bipartisan site you can go to to register on line (there are many others, of course): https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/ Or at the federal government’s site at https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote. Or fill out and mail in a paper voter registration form. However you do it, just DO IT!

Make a difference. Decide your own future. Register now, and be sure to vote.

Make Sure You’re Heard!

Make sure your voice is heard.  If you haven’t yet registered to vote, know that the deadline is coming VERY SOON.

Registration deadlines and requirements vary from state to state.  Go to http://www.vote411.org/search-by-topic?topics_tid%5B%5D=62&field_state_tid%5B%5D=8#.VgwP3vlViko and write in your address or state and find out what applies to where you live.

Register + vote = exercising your rights = making a difference in how you are governed.


Take Power Today

Today is a day when all Americans are urged to take control of their and their country’s destiny.  It’s National Voter registration Day.  If you haven’t registered, do it today. It’s so easy, you can do it online…right now.  Search “register to vote online [your state]” and take two minutes to fill out the form.

Some people want to wait to see who the Presidential candidates are.  Wrong approach if you really want to have a say in who is our next President.  We have more power when we decide who the candidates will be, which means voting in the Primaries.  Why have to choose between two people we don’t really want when the best person for the job was beaten in the Primaries–and we didn’t cast our vote then?

Do it. Take power today.