Tag Archive for health

Some Facts About 36.7 Million People

Not long ago, it was a death sentence.  It’s feared and misunderstood by many people. Even if it isn’t in the news as much as it once was, it’s still a huge health problem.


The situation is improving–mainly because of prevention and the fact that there is life-saving medical help. But people are no longer paying much attention to it or to those afflicted with it.

On this World AIDS Day, it’s a good time to catch up on the facts surrounding this disease that currently affects the lives of about 36.7 million people–plus their families and friends.  It’s time to fully buy into this year’s World Health Organization’s theme “Right to Health” and their slogan “Everybody Counts.”

Go to http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs360/en/ to read WHO’s fact sheet on HIV/AIDS.  Knowledge leads to understanding leads to compassion leads to a cure.


Don’t Get Sick!

I’m sorry.  I usually try to avoid politics. But something is greatly bothering me. It relates to all those people who are in the middle–not super rich or super poor, just trying to make ends meet for their families.

Our lawmakers are trying to revise the health care system, and, in the process, are making it so a whole bunch of people can’t afford insurance. Not poor enough for subsidies and not rich enough to afford high insurance prices and co-pays without sacrificing other necessities. At the same time, they’re proposing to “improve” the income tax system by doing away with medical deductions.  Talk about being hit in two directions at once!

I’m concerned.  No, I’m worried.  Who will protect our vulnerable sick citizens

Can I Please Have a Side of Poison with my Pasta?

Do you have any idea how much antibiotics you’re eating with  your burger, taco, pizza, pasta, buffalo wings–in any restaurant food, really? How much can you depend on your favorite restaurants to have food and policies to protect our health–Applebee’s, Olive Garden, Chipotle, Panera, Dominos, Dairy Queen, IHOP, Dunkin’ Donuts…and all the rest.

Read the informative article, Restaurant Report Card: How Healthy is Your Fast Food Meat?  You’ll be pleased by some of your favorite eating spots–and horrified by others.

Anxious or Neurotic? You May be Healthier and Live Longer

[I guess I’ll have to stop trying to calm down my anxious and neurotic friends. According to a London study, they’re healthier and will live longer than me! — Thanks to Linda Younts for sending this to me.]


From “Calling all Clean Freaks….”:

If you’ve always seen yourself as a Monica Geller, George Costanza, Miranda Hobbes, Sheldon Cooper or Danny Tanner, we have news for you: Science says you might live longer than your laid-back, Uncle Jesse and Phoebe-esque friends.

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and University College London recently studied a group of 500,000 U.K. residents, paying attention to those who identified themselves as being exceptionally nervous or anxious. In general, these neurotic people tended to be healthier and have a longer life span, especially if they perceived their own health as being fair or poor.

The theory? Because neurotic people tend to think their health is poor even when it isn’t, they’re more likely to visit a doctor and be proactive if they notice any strange symptoms. A more laid-back person might postpone getting checked out, or ignore an illness altogether. But not you, neurotic folks. You’re running to get checked out as soon as the office opens.

Nice work, anxious friends. We’ll see you in the waiting room.

Read the report itself here.

How to Tell if that Organic is Worth It

Organic or not, always wash fruit and veggies before eating them. But first you have to buy them. There’s so much hype about how much healthier organics are.  Sometimes, though, paying for organic isn’t worth the money.

A rule of thumb is  whether or not the fruit or vegetable has a thick skin that chemicals can’t get through.  If so, call them the “Clean Ones.”  If not, call them the “Dirty Ones.”  Here’s a helpful list.

“Dirty Ones” (buy organic)

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Nectarines
  4. Apples
  5. Peaches
  6. Pears
  7. Cherries
  8. Grapes
  9. Celery
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Sweet Bell Peppers
  12. Potatoes

“Clean Ones” (don’t waste $$$ on organic)

  1. Sweet Corn
  2. Avocados
  3. Pineapples
  4. Cabbage
  5. Onions
  6. Sweet Peas
  7. Papayas
  8. Asparagus
  9. Mangoes
  10. Eggplant
  11. Honeydew
  12. Kiwi
  13. Cantaloupe
  14. Cauliflower
  15. Grapefruit


Guilt-free chocolate?

Guilt-free chocolate?  The pounds may stay, but not regrets about how that yummy stuff got to us.  The same with coffee, tea, rice, sugar, juice, honey, wine, flowers, crafts–all sorts of things that often reach our homes through the mistreatment of  people in other countries.  Many, often young children, work under harsh conditions to  support their families.  But it’s the only work available.  The FAIR-TRADE MOVEMENT aims to change this, to provide employment, fair wages, decent conditions, and money that goes back into their communities for health and education.  This is not “free trade,” which is political, among nations, but “fair trade,” valuing the well-being of people.  Participate by buying products on-line (Google “Fair Trade”) or at Safeway, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Cost Plus, Peet’s, Starbucks, and elsewhere.  Watch for the “Fair Trade” symbol on packages.  Ask the manager.  Make your interest known.  Then, maybe just one more nibble wouldn’t hurt….

Wanna Go Forest Bathing?

Okay.  I admit it.  I’m a tree hugger.  I love being out in a forest.  It relaxes me and helps me understand my place in the universe.  Apparently, I’m not all that  crazy; forest bathing is catching on in the U.S.  Watch  this video and see if it’s right for you.




Pity Poor Kellyanne Conway

I’m starting to feel sorry for Kellyanne Conway.  She keeps mis-speaking and having to defend what she thought President Trump meant by what he said.  She’s on the front lines in the war with the media, demonstrators, the courts, Democrats, and even some Republicans.  It’s taking its toll; she’s exhausted.  Just compare the two pictures below.  I think, for the sake of her own health and for her family, she should resign and let her boss find someone else to  do the job.


Before working for Candidate Trump:

2 days ago, after working two weeks for President Trump:


A Healthy Local Program

Cities in the San Francisco Bay Area now have bike-share     programs.  Rent a bike for an hour or a day to run errands, sight-see, etc. (More details can be found at http://bayareabikeshare.com.)  Your city doesn’t have such a program?  Propose it to your local governing board.

Why?  Because if all Americans aged 10-74 walked or biked half an hour a day instead of driving we would save 6.5 billion gallons of gas and lose 3 billion pounds off our bodies!

Leaf 6

[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/view/7000 or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

35 Years of…Life (Personal Note)

Today is my 35th wedding anniversary. The years  have been filled with “for better” and “for worse,” “sickness” and “health.” We’ve shared bringing new life into this world and seeing cherished loved ones move onto the next. We’ve had some fierce disagreements and did a lot of forgiving–of each other and of ourselves. We enjoyed adventures together and are now  commiserating with the fact that, more and more often, our  bodies laugh at us and ask, “You think you’re going to do WHAT?!”  We’ve comforted each other over the  estrangement of a friend or relative, then rejoiced with each other over reconciliation with them.

We’ve helped each other adapt to severe changes in our lives, cried mutual tears of joy at our son’s wedding, exchanged laughter and knowing looks when hearing a young person’s exact, well laid-out plans for the future, and had our hearts melt at a wagging tail, four paws, and big brown eyes that say, “I’d love you even if you beat me.”  We’ve worked as a team through hardship, tragedy, heartbreak, and financial difficulties and come out closer as a result.

The “worse” and “sickness” we vowed  to get through was not fun or easy, but we got through it because we had one other. Besides,  we have  focused on the “better” and the “health,” letting the other simply fade away. That’s called Living Life.

We don’t have another 35  years here on Earth. That’s okay, though, because we’ve had these 35 and, God willing, will have some more time together.

Happy anniversary, Frank, my love.