Tag Archive for sick

Are You Making Yourself & Family Sick?

Where’s the germiest place in your home?  No, it isn’t the bathroom.  Where does E. Coli lurk, waiting for you to apply it to your face, which you will do daily? Why does the old argument about PUT THAT LID BACK DOWN matter to your health? How can cutting up your salad and veggies in your kitchen sink be a health hazard?  Should you be concerned about your kids’ toys? These and similar questions are answered in this CNN Health article, The germiest place in your home and the best way to combat those microbes.

Airports’ Germiest Places Not Where You Think

When we fly, we try not to think of all the germs left behind by people who are sick or seldom wash their hands.  News stories have made us aware that we should always use a disinfectant wipe on the tray table before handling or using it.  But there are other surfaces that we tend not to think of–many even before we board the airplane.

The charts at Germs at the Airport are an eye-opener.




Don’t Get Sick!

I’m sorry.  I usually try to avoid politics. But something is greatly bothering me. It relates to all those people who are in the middle–not super rich or super poor, just trying to make ends meet for their families.

Our lawmakers are trying to revise the health care system, and, in the process, are making it so a whole bunch of people can’t afford insurance. Not poor enough for subsidies and not rich enough to afford high insurance prices and co-pays without sacrificing other necessities. At the same time, they’re proposing to “improve” the income tax system by doing away with medical deductions.  Talk about being hit in two directions at once!

I’m concerned.  No, I’m worried.  Who will protect our vulnerable sick citizens