Archive for November 10, 2017

Would You Vote for These Veterans?

What if all our politician took–and lived by–this pledge?

1. Integrity
  • I will always speak the truth and prioritize the public interest above my self-interest.
  • I will return or give to charity contributions from sources that I find out taint my integrity.
  • I will use the power of my office only for the service of my constituents and my country.
2. Civility
  • I will respect my colleagues, focus on solving problems and work to bring civility to politics.
  • I will publicly reject, and seek to remove, any advertisements in support of my campaign that lie about or baselessly attack the character of my opponent.
  • I will attend and participate in a cross-partisan veterans caucus.
3. Courage
  • I will defend the rights of all Americans and have the courage to collaborate across the aisle and find common ground.
  • I will meet with someone from an opposing party one-on-one at least once a month.
  • I will join with colleagues on both sides of the aisle on at least one piece of major legislation each year, and co-sponsor additional pieces.

There’s a new organization that is recruiting people they think know the real meaning of “country first” and governing with honesty and integrity–veterans. They would take the Pledge, respect it, an act on it, this organization believes.  Read about them–their perception of the problem and their solution–at


So, Smile Already!

Today’s Thursday Thought quote reminds us of the power of  a smile.

“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” — Joseph Addison

When Will Diversity Finally be Ignored?

I was struck by the diversity of yesterday’s elective winners.

Hoboken, N.J.’s newly elected mayor is that city’s first Sikh American to serve in that office. A refugee from Liberia is Montana’s first black mayor.  A woman is Seattle is the city’s first woman to be mayor since 1926, and New Hampshire’s largest city (Manchester), which has been around for 266 years, finally got around to electing its first female mayor.

In Virginia, it is two people.  One is an openly transgender person who is a refugee from Vietnam–the first first Asian-American woman ever elected to their House of Delegates. Minneapolis elected an openly transgender person of color (the first ever elected in the U.S.) to their city council.

I approve of diversity in leadership positions, because I know that the more backgrounds that are represented, the better chance we have to enact just, fair laws.

What I don’t approve of is the fact that, today, the diversity of the election results is news rather than the norm and, therefore not even noticed. When will that finally be?

Lurking in your Phone….

This is about Androids, BUT it can apply to any phone. There are doppelgangers waiting to invade your phone. Those are apps that look like the real thing (similar to ones you know and trust) but are fake ones trying to ensnare you.  For example, doesn’t “Lovely Wallpaper” sound safe and innocent? NOT! Once you download these things they can do all sorts of stuffs, even when you aren’t on your phone: steal your passwords, user names, and credit card and banking information; send texts that look like they’re coming from you; track you as you wander about; even take pictures of you.

Once you’ve downloaded one of these demons it’s too late simply to change your password–they’re already in. You have to delete the app, then wipe your phone.

Be careful, then, of the apps you download.  First check out the company and make sure it’s reputable, legitimate, and trustworthy. Don’t assume that, since you found it in the Google store, it’s okay.Google is busy trying to clean out their store from these things, and keep it clean–a huge task.

It’s disgusting that there are people out there who profit from our carelessness. Let’s not give them the chance.

America, Fight and Be Inspired

This short video was for 4th of July, but, with all the bad stuff happening right now, I needed it today.  There’s so much violence in our country, and other forms of man’s inhumanity to man, that we’re forgetting a basic fact: we are all  Americans.  And, despite evil deeds by a minority of us, we have a lot to be proud of.  Most important, together, we can unite and fight and defeat the evil that’s among us.

Watch this video of long-time actors, many of whom are no longer with us, as they ask God to bless America. Be inspired and revitalized.

[Thanks to Jim Knudsen for sending this to me.]

Billions of Wasted Dollars

Money down the drain: $240 billion a year for the last 10 years; $360 billion a year projected for the next 10 years.  So the scientists say, after tons of research.

All because of climate change.  Which we can do something about.  True, not all of the problem is from mankind, but a good portion is. And it hits both physically AND financially.

Learn more by reading Hidden Costs of Climate Change Running Hundreds of Billions a Year.



Don’t Get Sick!

I’m sorry.  I usually try to avoid politics. But something is greatly bothering me. It relates to all those people who are in the middle–not super rich or super poor, just trying to make ends meet for their families.

Our lawmakers are trying to revise the health care system, and, in the process, are making it so a whole bunch of people can’t afford insurance. Not poor enough for subsidies and not rich enough to afford high insurance prices and co-pays without sacrificing other necessities. At the same time, they’re proposing to “improve” the income tax system by doing away with medical deductions.  Talk about being hit in two directions at once!

I’m concerned.  No, I’m worried.  Who will protect our vulnerable sick citizens

The REAL Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was NOT a mild-mannered, child-loving, un-opinionated children’s writer. In fact, he was quite an interesting person. He wrote under many names and apparently had fun making them up. One of his drawings contained a swastika during WWII. He wrote propaganda. He won a bet by writing Green Eggs and Ham. He invented the word “nerd,” among many, many others.

Just for fun, find out the details about these facts, plus more, at “These 10 Surprising Facts About Dr. Seuss Will Blow Your Mind!”