Tag Archive for video

Keep Track of Your Child

A terrible fear of any parent is turning around and seeing nothing but a crowd of strangers and not their child. I still remember the feeling, and my “child” is almost 33. I took all the precautions I could think of back then. But this video offers some that I didn’t think of. If you don’t have young children or grandchildren, please pass this on to friends who do. (Note: The sound may not work for you, but it’s only a musical background–no spoken words. The captions give the information.)



The SAT: A Valid or Racist Test?

What does the SAT really indicate? We sweat bullets over it, knowing that it plays a big part in whether our kid (or we) will be accepted into a college. It began as an IQ test, which its creator realized was very much flawed and let everyone know it was. There’s evidence that it is racist and based on income. Watch this interesting video for details.


Cool Inventions

Here are ten cool inventions that people have come up with to help the Earth.  They clean our environment, save wildlife, get rid of our trash, etc.  Want some air-ink? How about an edible water blob? Want to turn tires into grass? Check out these and other ideas in this video.

Earth: Movies vs. Real-Life

All those end-of-the-world movies have one thing in common: pictures of the Earth devastated by too much ice, smoke, heat, pollution…you name it.  Dumb, right?  Well,   take a look at this short video of what our home planet looks like today.



Thank you, Mom

In this short video, the thank you goes out to moms who love their kids who will be viewed by many people as “different” — moms who assures their kids that “things will get easier.”  May it be so.



The Power of Play

These people are just clowning around–or are they?  (Thanks to Audria  Schmidt for this.)


A Whopper of an Explanation of Net Neutrality

Many of us are confused by what difference net neutrality makes.  If you’re one of them, take a look at this Burger King video comparing Whoppers with Internet service.  It’s clever and gives a good, clear picture of how much the Internet will cost us unless we have net neutrality, and how, once again, the rich and powerful benefit and the rest of us (especially those with limited finances) are taken advantage of.

If this bothers you, sign the Daily Kos petition to Congress for them to destroy the FCC’s plan to stop net neutrality.



Tax Cut Question” A Simple Explanation

I’m really, really trying to evaluate both sides of the tax cuts.  I’m so hopeful that they really WILL help struggling families without dragging our country into an impossible-to-climb-out-of debt hole.  Of all the experts I’ve “consulted” (read, listened to), Tom Steyer (billionaire business leader/investor) crystallizes it for me in 3 short minutes.  Take a listen.

Teaching Kids About Santa

I was delighted to see this video on hows one mom handles the issue of Santa with her kids. 

Read the story behind this video in the article in the Washington Post.


A Different Look at “Merry Christmas”

Christmas is a time of peace, yet it’s the time when people get upset, insulted, outraged, and argumentative about two words Yes, we’re into the debate of “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happy Holidays.”  The priest in this video takes an approach (which I heartily agree with) that the Reason for the Season Himself would probably take.  It’s something to consider before we start issuing the greeting in question to everyone we meet.