Tag Archive for financial

We’re Getting Hungrier

Droughts, floods, conflicts, and economic slowdowns: they, according to a U.N. report, are the major causes of people going hungry. They all adversely affect food production. The result is that an increasing number of human beings on our Earth are going hungry. In fact, the report says, the number of malnourished people worldwide has increased from 815 million in 2015 to 821 million in 2017, and the numbers keep rising.

What can we do? Take better care of our planet so there are fewer and less intense floods and droughts, work through groups and pressure our lawmakers to work toward peace, and help each other rebound from financial crises.

And, it goes without saying, feed the hungry, at home and abroad.

The SAT: A Valid or Racist Test?

What does the SAT really indicate? We sweat bullets over it, knowing that it plays a big part in whether our kid (or we) will be accepted into a college. It began as an IQ test, which its creator realized was very much flawed and let everyone know it was. There’s evidence that it is racist and based on income. Watch this interesting video for details.


Cheating the Elderly

“Last Will and Embezzlement”—that’s a film worth watching.  It describes the financial exploitation of the elderly.  The problem is widespread and can happen to anyone, even Mickey Rooney, and it is perpetrated by cleaver strangers, close friends, and “loving” relatives.  Yet, such abuse is often not reported.  Even when it is reported, prosecution is difficult—IF the legal system will even bother to prosecute.  This eye-opening documentary presents several cases, giving us an idea of what to watch out for with our loved ones.  You can find the 2012 film on Netflix and probably elsewhere.  If you have elderly friends or relatives, or if you’re aging (we’ll ALL get there), it’s worth the 1 hour 22 minutes you’ll spend watching it. (See the trailer at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJCDQpqHPEQ.)