Tag Archive for Trump

Four Tours and He’s Weak?

My friend, age late 40s, is just a weakling.  Sure, he survived 4 tours in the hot spots of the Mid-East.  And he has served in the Marines for 18 years while raising a family.  But he’s weak because he has PTSD.

That’s what Donald Trump would call him.  That’s what he intimated to a group of veterans at the Retired American Warriors PAC–that many (not all) in the group could handle the horrors of war but others weren’t strong and couldn’t handle it.  In other words, anyone with PTSD is the opposite of strong, that is, weak.

Here’s what he said:  ““When people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it.”

Read more details and see a video clip at this Huffington Post article.  Or if you don’t trust that paper, search the words “Trump PTSD veterans weak” to find a multitude of other sources.

Do I sound upset?  No, I’m mad!  My friend and countless others who serve our country have to be strong to do their jobs.  Seeing man’s inhumanity to man on a daily basis does NOT make them weak.  In fact, I think they can just not hold back their morality any longer.


Once Trump Has Deported Those People….

There are two sides to every story.  No, I’m not talking about the non-documented people to be deported, or  even their families.  I’m talking about our everyday lives resulting from those deportations–the selfish side that so greatly affects our own lives.

This short video gives us something to think about:




Where Are the Donations to Our Vets?

A person who holds a “huge” rally to raise money to benefit our veterans and manages to raise $6 million should be praised–unless he doesn’t get that money to the 24 organizations he promised it to.   Yes, some donors gave money directly to the charities rather than through the Donald J. Trump Foundation, and about half of the amount has found its way to the charities.  Where’s the rest?  Will the other charities ever get their checks?  Some have, once the Foundation was reminded.  How much reminding and media pressure will it take to get the promised funds to the charities?

Our veterans, who are struggling with health, mental, and financial difficulties as a result of their service to our nation, deserve better treatment.

(Read story in the Washington Post article “What ever happened to all that money Trump raised for the veterans?



Listen Up, Trump!

I’m angry!  Donald Trump continues to portray Muslims as evil people bent on killing Americans because Allah wants them to. This is SUCH a perversion of true Islam, which is a peace-loving religion.  He refuses to acknowledge that ISIS and their kind are being disowned by most Muslims.  In fact, they want them to go away so they can live out two of their religion’s teachings–peace and harmony.

Yesterday in an interview Trump said it again: “Islam hates America.”

Get it through your thick skull, Trump–you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!


The Republicans’ Choice (Not Trump)

I don’t know who the Dems favor but it’s obvious who most of the Republicans want.  Actually, I think they should stop the debates and caucuses right now and admit who is foremost on their hearts and minds.

After all, who is mentioned most often (no, not Trump)?  Who has never done anything wrong in his political life?  Who could unify the Party 100%? Who is the only one never to have uttered a single negative comment against any of these candidates?  Who could straighten out our country and our world within a single term?  Who is always spoken of in reverential terms?  Who is…let’s call it what it is…PERFECT?

Ronald Reagan, of course.  Sure, he’s dead.  But now that we’ve had our first Black President and have come close to our first woman President, why not our first dead President? Besides, after listening to the Republicans speak about him often, I think he might just have the power to come back from the dead.

So why not just nominate the guy and be done with it?



Update: Politicians, Pits, and Deoderants

(Here’s an update of yesterday’s blog on politicians and pits.  I received comments that I should publish my response to a comment, using it as a regular blog so more people see it.  That’s what I’m doing today.  I hope you enjoy it.)

Let’s see….Trump would go for Ban Deodorant. Hillary might go for Secret. Carson, who wants to apply his education to everything, might go for Degree. Rubio would give Suave a try. Sanders would fall back on the common man’s brand, Old Spice. Fiorina would buy Lady Speed Stick. Christie would use Arm and Hammer. Bush would use any brand his dad and brother don’t use. All Republicans would try Axe.

I don’t see anyone going for Dove.





Trump, Tell Me This

Looks like Donald Trump will be running for President…again.  There’s something I don’t understand, though, Donald.  How is it that you can afford the extraordinary expense of running for office every four years but can’t afford a decent hair piece?