Tag Archive for update

New Serenity Prayer

We can all use a bit of serenity about now. I’ve heard it said that the basis of all true religion is believing that “There is a God and I’m not him.”  That’s the spirit of this updating of the well known Serenity Prayer.

A New Serenity Prayer

by Jim Manney

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the people I cannot change,
which is pretty much everyone,
since I’m clearly not you, God.
At least not the last time I checked

And while you’re at it, God,
please give me the courage
to change what I need to change about myself,
which is frankly a lot, since, once again,
I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect.
It’s better for me to focus on changing myself
than to worry about changing other people,
who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying,
I can’t change anyway.

Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up
whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter
than everyone else in the room,
that no one knows what they’re talking about except me,
or that I alone have all the answers.

Basically, God,
grant me the wisdom
to remember that I’m
not you.


Update on Yesterday’s Dementia Study

Not everyone reads comments I receive.  I think this one from Theresa Rieve is important, so I’m passing it on here as an addition to yesterday’s blog.  She says, 

The study confirms something that was known at least 20 years ago. A prior study was done with the Sisters of Notre Dame in the Motherhouse at Mankato, MN. (My Aunt, Sister Rosalyn, lived there and I have a book describing the study). The population is perfect for a study, because the subjects have 60 to 80 years of detailed medical records readily available and their lives are very similar in many ways. One of the things they found is that a particular woman could have massive plaques and tangles in her brain, but if she had lived a healthy life with proper diet and exercise, so that there was also no blockages that might cause strokes or heart attacks, there would be no symptoms of dementia. The theory was that your body will do workarounds to keep you symptom-free if you give it the chance.

[Interesting and even more hopeful.]



Update: Politicians, Pits, and Deoderants

(Here’s an update of yesterday’s blog on politicians and pits.  I received comments that I should publish my response to a comment, using it as a regular blog so more people see it.  That’s what I’m doing today.  I hope you enjoy it.)

Let’s see….Trump would go for Ban Deodorant. Hillary might go for Secret. Carson, who wants to apply his education to everything, might go for Degree. Rubio would give Suave a try. Sanders would fall back on the common man’s brand, Old Spice. Fiorina would buy Lady Speed Stick. Christie would use Arm and Hammer. Bush would use any brand his dad and brother don’t use. All Republicans would try Axe.

I don’t see anyone going for Dove.





Welcome to My Updated Website

I’ve just updated my other website (http://www.jackieodonnell.net) and invite you to take a look.  Check out (and click on) the Monarch butterfly on the Home page. There’s some of my poetry (Poetry page); the five  most popular blogs since the last time I updated (Pop-Posts page); some suggestions for a useful product and equipment maintenance/safety, plus some disability law, and a thoughtful quote-all for people living with a disability himself or in his family or among her friends (Adept-Able Living page).

While you’re there, look on the Home page for a special offer for my website/blog readers for a good discount on any of my e-books, then go to the My Books page to learn how to apply the offer.

And, as always, I welcome comments!

Thanks for reading.

4 Hours of News in 1 Hour

TV news is convenient but very frustrating.  We record four hour-long news programs in the morning so we can catch up on world, national, and local happenings over our morning cup of coffee while zipping past commercials.  What we get is newscasters telling us what they’ll tell us about–after the commercials–or non-news that says there’s nothing happening, say, with a strike or hearing, but they promise to keep us posted about what isn’t happening.  They give “updates” on stories they’ve already told us, but they have nothing new to add. Then there’s the weather, repeated by the weather person six or more times, in addition to snippets from the news desk.

Bless the person who invented fast-forward!  Even so, when I timed it, all we get is a single hour of news.

By the way, this coming Sunday I won’t have anything to blog about.  But don’t worry…I’ll keep you updated on that non-blog.



Browse and Find Something Interesting

I’ve just updated my other website (http://www.jackieodonnell.net) and invite you to take a look.  There’s some of my poetry (Poetry page); the five  most popular blogs since the last time I updated (Pop-Posts page); some suggestions for a useful product and equipment maintenance, plus some disability law, a thoughtful quote, and bit of humor–all for people living with a disability himself or in his family or among her friends (Adept-Able Living page).  Take a look.  I hope you find something of interest to you.

While you’re browsing, look on the Home page for a picture that’s meaningful to me.  You’ll also find there a special offer for my website/blog readers for a good discount on any of my e-books, then go to the My Books page to learn how to apply the offer.

And, as always, I welcome comments!

Thanks for reading.