Stop for a second and think about today’s Thursday Thought. Then, hold onto your belly, let loose with a good laugh, and enjoy the health it stimulates.
Tag Archive for quote
Secret to Living Well
Today’s Thursday Thought quote comes from Tibet and gives a simple plan for a good life.

Thanks to Lindsay West for today’s Thursday Thought. It’s something for all would-be leaders to think about. (Author is unknown.)

During this pre-Christmas time of year, when love and compassion should abound, I’m struck by common things we do to each other: anger at other drivers, illegally and inconsiderately using a handicap parking spot, pushing fellow shoppers out of our way, avoiding eye-contact and a humanizing greeting for people we pass, especially the homeless, tossing our trash on the yard we walk by, not calling or visiting someone we know is lonely or ill…. For those of us who call ourselves “Christians,” this season and this Thursday Thought quote should be a reminder.
“We are not going to win the masses to Christianity until we live it.” – Dorothy Day
MY America!
In today’s Thursday Thought, “Sully” Sullenberger expresses what I feel about my country.
“This is not the America I know and love…We cannot wait for someone to save us. We must do it ourselves.”
Our Changed Nation
Today’s Thursday Thought is something that has been bothering me greatly.
Growing with the Irish
Today’s Thursday Thought quote comes from a nation of people who have learned the hard way how to grow.
“You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.” – Irish proverb
A Gentle Reminder
Today just seemed a good day for the reminder that this Thursday Thought quote gives us:
“Love has no gender – compassion has no religion – character has no race.” — Abhijit Naskar
Fight that “Get Even” Thought
Want to strike back at that person who has been mean, cruel, or nasty to you? It’s a very human inclination. Today’s Thursday Thought quote explains why it can backfire.
Is That Legal?
There’s SO much arguing back and forth about what is legal. As today’s Thursday Thought quote points out, that isn’t the real issue.
“Something must happen so as to touch the hearts and souls of [all people] that they will come together, not because the law says it, but because it is natural and right.” — Martin Luther King, Stride Toward Freedom, 1958