Tag Archive for immigrants

Why Are We Overrun by Immigrants?

A new United Nations report has an answer. It points out that almost 71 million people have left their home countries, not because they want to but because that’s the only way they and their children can escape persecution, violence, and war. That’s approximately 1 in every 108 people living on this planet. We’re seeing them flee to our country, but so are other countries (ask Germany).

What’s wrong with us? Can’t we work harder toward peace? Get rid of world leaders who are egomaniacs, narcissists, power-hungry, greedy, or killing people in the name of God? Can’t we work on ourselves and our attitude of “We don’t care, because we’re fine here?”–an attitue that leads us to complacency and acceptance of violence and hatred we see in our daily lives?

Can’t we remember that, after all, we are a family of human beings?

How Americans are Killed

I just thought that these numbers were interesting.  Food for thought.


Cheap Idea: Help Victims–But Not All

A new office is being created to help crime victims–but only the victims of immigrants.  It’s called Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, or Voice.  This is a smart move on the Administration’s part because it’s far less costly than helping all victims of crime.  In fact, it will help the smallest group of victims.  That’s because, according to the CATO Institute, citing many studies, “With few exceptions, immigrants are less crime prone than natives or have no effect on crime rates.”

I’m not sure how this office will work.  I assume it would provide extra law enforcement to go after the immigrant perpetrators, then deport them.  I guess this will give victims some sort of “closure.”  Although it does help ICE, the agency it’s housed at–it should lead to discovery of more “Illegals” and their families so they can be deported.  Their hotline might be helpful to victims, although it doesn’t seem to me any different from calling the police.  It will provide jobs for 48 people (21 community-relations officers and 27 victim-assistance specialists).

They haven’t figured out a budget for it yet, but I’m confident that it will be cheap enough for all the good it will do.


Profitable Prisons

Who has contributed in excess of $10 million in the last 16 years to politicians and spent almost $25 million to lobby for their interests?  You may be surprised.  They are GEO and Corrections Corporation of America, the two major for-profit prison companies in our country. Combined, private prison companies bring in $3.3 billion a year, all while the number of people in our prisons  doubled in only ten years (2000-1010).

Contracts with such companies require that the government keep their prisons at least 90% full…some have a 100% provision.  If not, taxpayers must pay for any empty beds.  They own 9 out of the 10 immigrant detention centers and profit greatly from a Congressional mandate (that they lobbied for) that a minimum of 34,000 immigrants be detained daily (and the number is rising, even as the number of undocumented aliens has leveled off).

For more details, view this PBS video:  http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/419/video.html

Immigrants, English, and Crime

Immigrants refuse to learn English, our national language, and cause greatly increased crime in our neighborhoods.  We hear this all the time.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine have completed a two-year study of 41 million immigrants to the U.S., and, yes, they included the 11 million who are not here legally. Their report is an eye-opener.  You can read about it at the Omaha News/Nation.  Here’s the upshot, though: today’s immigrants are assimilating rapidly into our country, learning English as soon as they can, getting an education, finding jobs, advancing in careers, and–here’s the kicker– they’re not as likely to commit crimes as the rest of us American citizens.

Gives us something to chew on, doesn’t it?


They Hire Anybody who Asks

If you were a business owner, would you hire anyone who walked through your door and asked for a job–no background checks or interviews, just hired on the spot, no questions asked?  That’s what Greyston Bakery, in Yonkers, N.Y., does.  No openings?  The person goes on a waiting list until there is an opening.

Many of these new hires are ex-felons, immigrants, and addicts.  That doesn’t matter.  If they want to work, Greyston will train them and start them on the job.  These workers will also receive help with childcare, affordable housing, and healthcare.  Of course, if they don’t do their jobs properly, they also receive a boot out the door.

This company–quite successful, by the way–has a philosophy that business should be socially just.  What a novel idea!

Oh, and if you’ve ever eaten a Ben & Jerry’s brownie…they baked it.

For more details, go to the grist.org article on their site.