Tag Archive for felons

They Hire Anybody who Asks

If you were a business owner, would you hire anyone who walked through your door and asked for a job–no background checks or interviews, just hired on the spot, no questions asked?  That’s what Greyston Bakery, in Yonkers, N.Y., does.  No openings?  The person goes on a waiting list until there is an opening.

Many of these new hires are ex-felons, immigrants, and addicts.  That doesn’t matter.  If they want to work, Greyston will train them and start them on the job.  These workers will also receive help with childcare, affordable housing, and healthcare.  Of course, if they don’t do their jobs properly, they also receive a boot out the door.

This company–quite successful, by the way–has a philosophy that business should be socially just.  What a novel idea!

Oh, and if you’ve ever eaten a Ben & Jerry’s brownie…they baked it.

For more details, go to the grist.org article on their site.