Tag Archive for dog

The Poetry of Poop

You may have seen this in the news. I liked it because I’m a responsible dog owner, picking up her “gifts” as we walk. More than that, though, I applaud the man’s response. He doesn’t yell and scream or knock on people’s doors to fight them. He doesn’t even allow himself to ruin his (and others’) day by holding in ill feelings. He just does something that gets the message across with a bit of humor and in a non-destructive way that just washes away.

Watch the video and get details at Phoenix man on poop crusade makes chalk messages, circles poop left on sidewalk.

Good Idea from the Animal World

Sometimes animals have some very good lessons to teach us, as in today’s Thursday Thought.

Beware those Doggy Eyebrows

Come on, now, dog-lovers. We all know that our furry friends manipulate us. Now science has proven it. It seems that dogs can move their eyebrows whenever they want to, making their eyes bigger and reaching into our hearts (really a hormonal reaction). In fact, they move their eyebrows more often when making eye contact with humans than they do when engaging in their all-time favorite activity–eating. They know it gets to us, and they have a deep need for eye contact with humans, a need that wolves, their relatives, don’t have.

Read about the study done by a team at University of Portsmouth’s Dog Cognition Centre, published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, titled The Science of Puppy Dog Eyes.

Heat Illness in Pets

Many of us are suffering from the high heat. But we’re not the only ones. So are our pets. The National Weather Service put out this chart to remind us of the symptoms to watch for in our pets so we can take measures to get them cooled off and avoid heat illness. They ARE our responsibility, and they depend on us.

Earth-Shaking Concerns for Fun)

From time to time I offer you deep thoughts to ponder, so deep they’d take a mm of dirt to cover a penny. Just for fun, then, here are some of those thoughts:

The word “swims” upside down is still “swims.”

Which letter is silent in the word “scent,” the s or the c?

What if my dog only brings back the ball because he thinks I like throwing it?

It’s just as hard to intentionally lose a game of Rock, Paper, Sissors as it is to win.

Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and it takes 75 – 100 years to fully work?

If poison is past its expiration date, is it more poisonous or no longer poisonous?

Do twins ever realize that one of them was not planned?

Every time you clean something you make something else dirty.

This One is for the Dogs

Recycle and make your pet happy.  Create a pet bed out of an old blanket put into an old suitcase.  Your scent on the blanket will give him sweet dreams.

[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/view/7000 or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

Personal Note: Goodbye, Riley

This weekend my companion for 15 years passed away. Riley was a devoted companion who kept herding us, family and guests alike (she was a Border Collie). She helped me care for my husband, Frank, for a couple of years, watching that I did his infusions and medications right, nuzzled up to him as he struggled to breath, which made him smile, and comforted me these last two years without him.

Today I’m very lonely, having lost Riley and, with her, my last daily connection with my husband. Eventually, I will honor her by rescuing a dog that won’t replace her but will be a loving part of my life.

If you’re a dog-lover–or ever had a pet that was part of your family–you understand.

Frank and Riley

Can Your Comfort Snake Fly?


Not any longer. Not if you’re flying on Southwest.

What? A snake could be in the cabin? Yes. Or a pony, pig,goat, spider, or maybe even a peacock. If they’re a “Comfort Animal” (AKA “Emotional Support Animal”). That’s because, unlike Service Animals (for the blind and physically disabled), there are no FAA regulations covering them. But, also unlike Service Animals, airlines have had incidents with a Comfort Animal biting or scratching passengers or leaving little brown “gifts” in the aisles.

Since the FAA won’t do anything–and people are taking advantage, claiming their pet is their “Comfort Animal”–major airlines are taking matters into their own paws, er, hands. Southwest now limits Comfort Animals to cats and dogs only, requires a letter from a physician certifying that it is necessary to their patient’s health and well-being, ensures that they are in a crate or on a leash.

As a person with a physical disability myself and friend to a couple of people who have either a Comfort Animal or Service Animal, I don’t think these small rules are too much to ask.

Three Dogs and a Bird–Their Day

Kaya and Sargent, and my African Grey parrot, Max.  Why?  It’s the 12th Annual National Pet Day.  The dogs give me unconditional love, devotion, and protection from solicitors and bad buys who dare even think about coming to my home.  (The bird even barks!) All of them make me laugh  at times when I need it, comfort me in my “down” times, remind me of the  beauty and diversity of Nature, and drive away the loneliness that sometimes creeps into my life. All they ask in return is food, water, and some play-time with their human.

To them–and to all of your pets–I wish a happy National Pet Day.


My State Leads the Pack

Okay…so that’s a bad pun.  But I’m pleased with a new California law that says that pet stores can only sell rescued animals now.  The idea is to cut down on kitten factories and puppy mills that cause animal overpopulation and in-breeding leading to unhealthy animals that call to us from pet store windows.

The law doesn’t affect private breeders, except that they won’t be able to sell animals to pet stores.

It won’t affect pet stores’ bottom lines, either, because shelters are overflowing with strays, and people can give an unwanted litter to the stores.

It sounds like a great idea to me.