Archive for November 14, 2018

Why Men Paint the Town Red

One theory is that the phrase “paint the town red,” meaning to celebrate wildly, often with drinking involved, came from an incident in 1837. That’s when the Marquis of Waterford, known for his love of drink and mischief, took his friends on a wild night on the English town of Melton Mowbray. The night included vandalism on homes and public buildings, including painting a tollgate, the statue of a swan, and people’s doors red. They did compensate their victims later on, though.

Another, more American, possibility is that, during the Wild West era, men visited brothels, where they drank heavily, raised hell, and carried on activities the brothels were set up for. They did this so often that they were acting as though the whole town was one large red-light district.

If either is true (or both), the phrase grew out of men acting like, er, donkeys.

Dumb Blondes

“HEAR THE ONE ABOUT THE DUMB BLONDE?” Jokes are all around us about blondes–and nationalities and ethnic groups and socio-economic groups, and…. If you find yourself smiling and passing them on, I invite you to consider this plan of action.

Is there a nationality, ethnic group, age group, or other category of people that you make jokes about or are fearful of or think will cheat or deceive you?  Examine your innermost thoughts and everyday behavior.  Now, write down at least 10 ways in which “those people” are similar to you.  Then, list examples of actual incidents in which one of “them” cheated, harmed, or scared you.  Remember what was done and said on both sides.

Now, stand apart from the situation and evaluate it.  Was there a misunderstanding

My Veteran

I honor, respect, and thank all veterans. But this is the one I love.

Proud Navy man. Loving husband and father. Overall good person.

I miss him but celebrate him today, on Veteran’s  Day.


Time Change Blues

Anyone else feeling like this? My body just wants to go to bed AND get up at 8.

Today’s Results are GOOD

No matter who is elected today or whatever measures and propositions are passed or defeated, this is a good day. That’s because an historically high number of people will have actually voted. Early voting and mail-in ballots prove that.

That’s democracy at its finest. And that is good. Very good.

Spare the Rod/Spoil the Child–or Save Them?

Not according to the latest American Academy of Pediatrics policy-change. The Academy now urges parents NOT to spank, hit, slap, threaten, verbally abuse, shame, or humiliate their kids when they misbehave. New evidence shows that such actions lead to aggression and depression in kids and shrinks the grey matter in their brains.

Corporal punishment, says the Academy, can cause injury to under-18-month-olds, make preschoolers behave more aggressively, increase the chances of kids’ being defiant as they get older, and lead to mental health and cognitive disorders. Moreover, “spanking alone is associated with adverse outcomes, and these outcomes are similar to those in children who experience physical abuse.”

They suggest using other methods of correction: quiet talk at their eye level; restricting their Internet and video games; reinforcing their positive actions. They offer age-specific methods of discipline, as well. Babies should be distracted or moved away from the site of the problem. Preschoolers should be given time-outs. And older kids should have natural consequences.

Read the report. In today’s violent society, it makes sense–for our kids and for our future–to think about discipline for children.

Swaps and Saved Trash

Thanks to Tina Blease for this great chart.

Some Silliness: Changing Our Clocks

Yup. It’s that time again. We must “Fall Back” an hour this weekend. For those of us who are confused by this twice-yearly ritual, here’s a guide.

MY America!

In today’s Thursday Thought, “Sully” Sullenberger expresses what I feel about my country.

“This is not the America I know and love…We cannot wait for someone to save us. We must do it ourselves.”