Archive for August 3, 2017

We’ll All Get There

In today’s Thursday Thought quote, George Washington Carver gives some good, even practical, advice:

“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak, because someday in your life you will be all of these.”


Melt Down the Statue of Liberty

The proposed new RAISE immigration act would change one of the foundations of our nation.  It would admit only people who speak English (to what extent is unclear–probably well), have good-paying jobs here already, and won’t (ever?) be on public assistance (deport them if they fall on hard times?). If it’s time to make this immigration change, so be it.  But we’ll need to remove the saying on the Statue of Liberty, because it will no longer apply:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! 

While we’re at it, why not just melt her down and sell her for scrap metal to help take care of the poor who are already American citizens?  Why not?  After all, it Would be taking care of  REAL AMERICANS!

Join Millions of your Closest Friends Tonight

Want something to do tonight?  Be part of the annual National Night Out.  The idea behind it is to get people out of their homes to mingle, to get to know each other.  It’s intended to help build neighborhood solidarity and friendship and get people involved in crime-prevention activities.  The result is to put the bad guys on notice that we’re fed up with their crimes and are organized and unified enough to take back our neighborhoods.

There are National Night Out events which you can participate in.  Otherwise, grab some lawn chairs and sodas, invite neighbors to join you, and talk about the kids, pets–preferably not about politics or religion–and how you, as a group, can make your neighborhood a safer place.

See you there!