Tag Archive for RAISE

Is Your Company Making You Richer?

Are you enjoying the windfall your company has thanks to their big tax break? They’re sharing it with you, aren’t they? Did you get a bonus–that one-time, no-future-bonuses, no-raise bonus? How about an increase in salary or benefits?  Probably not.  Read this Bloomberg article, What Companies Are Really Doing With Their Tax Windfall (So Far):

Despite the headlines, it turns out most companies aren’t doing much at all with their tax savings, according to a new survey from Willis Towers Watson. At least not yet.

The HR consulting firm asked 333 employers with at least 1,000 employees what they have done or plan to do as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Only 4 percent of companies said they had “increased wages for all employees”; an additional 3 percent said they planned to do so in the next year. While an further 13 percent said they’re “considering taking action this year or next,” a full 80 percent of companies aren’t considering giving raises at all.



Melt Down the Statue of Liberty

The proposed new RAISE immigration act would change one of the foundations of our nation.  It would admit only people who speak English (to what extent is unclear–probably well), have good-paying jobs here already, and won’t (ever?) be on public assistance (deport them if they fall on hard times?). If it’s time to make this immigration change, so be it.  But we’ll need to remove the saying on the Statue of Liberty, because it will no longer apply:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! 

While we’re at it, why not just melt her down and sell her for scrap metal to help take care of the poor who are already American citizens?  Why not?  After all, it Would be taking care of  REAL AMERICANS!