Tag Archive for citizen

Our Seniors are Hungry

The AARP reported some startling statistics about our senior citizens (age 50+). Many are going hungry in the U.S. Here are their figures:

10+ million are at risk of hunger each day.

3 million use food banks each year.

$130.5 billion is the yearly health care cost estimate resulting from food insecurity.

Why aren’t we taking better care of our older citizens?

Melt Down the Statue of Liberty

The proposed new RAISE immigration act would change one of the foundations of our nation.  It would admit only people who speak English (to what extent is unclear–probably well), have good-paying jobs here already, and won’t (ever?) be on public assistance (deport them if they fall on hard times?). If it’s time to make this immigration change, so be it.  But we’ll need to remove the saying on the Statue of Liberty, because it will no longer apply:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! 

While we’re at it, why not just melt her down and sell her for scrap metal to help take care of the poor who are already American citizens?  Why not?  After all, it Would be taking care of  REAL AMERICANS!

Here’s a Tip: Leave

What’s with leaving racial slurs on restaurant tabs instead of writing in a tip?  It happened last year in two different restaurants in California.  Recently it happened to a 17-year-old waitress in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  In this case, the young waitress, Sadie Elledge, is American-born with a Mexican/Honduran heritage and no hint of an accent.  The message read, “We only tip citizens.”  Plus, the customer-couple would not make eye contact with Sadie.  Her co-workers were outraged; her boss told the customers not to come back.

But it’s not just racial slurs.  Some receipts have hateful notes commenting on the server’s hair color, sexual orientation, weight, religion, and even genitalia.

Come on, jerks. If you don’t like the looks of your server, ask to be moved to another section. If you aren’t comfortable in a place, leave before ordering.  If your service is bad, consider that it might be the fault of a slow cook or a server having to cover too many tables, which means they’re doing the best they can and deserve a tip. Most of all, think about how you would want your daughter or son treated if they were that server.

Read more of the details here.