Today’s Thursday Thought quote makes SO much sense! Worth remembering when we find ourselves criticizing other religions.

Today’s Thursday Thought quote makes SO much sense! Worth remembering when we find ourselves criticizing other religions.
Parenting is hard! We want our kids to grow up right. But, because we’re human, we get tired of repeating the same things again and again–like how dirty their room is, they forgot to do their chores, why we constantly have to remind them to do their homework, that they broke their promise to do something…. Today’s Thursday Thought quote gives us good reason to try to be more patient with our precious children.
In today’s Thursday Thought quote, the Dalai Lama puts success in its place and tells us what we really need.
The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. – Dalai Lama
Here’s an Autumn idea for this week’s Thursday Thought.
Actually, you don’t need to move mountains, as today’s Thursday Thought quote points out. There’s a much simpler way.
Why is exercising integrity a big load off of your shoulders? In today’s Thursday Thought quote, Zig Zigler explains.
Today’s Thursday Thought quote suggests we should remember to treat family as we do others. We tend to nurture friendships and business relationships but take family for granted, knowing that they’re stuck with us. Yet, practicing humility, compassion, respect, courtesy, and love with them is good practice for dealing with others in our often frantic world.
“Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them. Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them ‘I am sorry’; ‘forgive me’; ‘please’; ‘thank you,’ and all those loving words you know!” — Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez (“Gabe”)
I was feeling sorry for myself when I saw this and it pulled me right back up. If you don’t need this Thoughtful Thursday quote, save it for a time you do need it.
Fall is in the air. Well, on the calendar, at least. Reminds me of harvesting pumpkins and other goodies. That’s why today’s Thursday Thought quote seemed appropriate, with its lesson on harvesting.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson