Tag Archive for success

Forget Successful People

In today’s Thursday Thought quote, the Dalai Lama puts success in its place and tells us what we really need.

The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. – Dalai Lama

A Way to Re-Home the Homeless

It’s a miracle! Well, a miracle message. That’s what the non-profit is called because that’s what they deliver. They’re partnering with cities to get these messages out. The organization makes videos of a homeless person and uses it to try to find family who have lost contact with them. The videos have been successful in reuniting people and getting them off the streets and back home.

Read about this organization, what they do, and the success story of Wayne and his niece Jasmine.

Success, Boobs, & Brains?

I’m afraid for my granddaughter.  She’s 11 and loves having her picture taken. (Fine with me; I get more pictures.)  Like many of her friends, she copies the movie star stance: standing a little sideways, one leg slightly crossing the other, hand on hip, elbows back to call attention to breasts, posed smile.  It isn’t natural, for her or for the stars.

The women know they’re selling sex appeal.  But what does it say to our young girls?  That they should use their brains and talents to succeed in the world?  That their personalities will help them get along with others throughout their lives?  That they should work hard to achieve what they want?  Of course not.  It says, “Develop a Playboy figure and show it off, because that’s what will get you ahead in life.”

Call me an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy.  I just don’t want my granddaughter to grow up with that attitude.  I love her too much to see her go through unnecessary heartache, feelings of failure, and wasted mind and talent.



Simple Idea from Dalai Lama

On this Thoughtful Thursday, the Dalai Lama  tells us what our world needs most: