Tag Archive for leaders

Is Child Abuse a National Pastime?

80% of the child abuse cases within the Boy Scouts of America between 1970 and 1991 went unreported. Churches (Catholic and Protestant and other faiths) have hidden cases involving their clergy, youth leaders, and other members of their staffs.  School administrations have quietly moved accused offenders to other schools and positions.  Coaches of youth teams carry on abuse in locker rooms while others look the other way. The perpetrators are not strangers.  In fact, more than 90% of the children who suffer sexual abuse know their abusers.

A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds.  What about all the other, unreported instances?

Why do so many people feel it’s okay to harm our vulnerable children?  Apparently, many people do feel this way, because there are so many abusers and so many people and organizations that cover it up.   When we hear about it, we act shocked, shake our heads in dismay, then go on with our lives.  In effect, those of us who do nothing to stop it are helping to perpetuate it.

Has this national shame become a national pastime, simply another tolerated violence like boxing and hunting?  I hope not.

Why Are We Overrun by Immigrants?

A new United Nations report has an answer. It points out that almost 71 million people have left their home countries, not because they want to but because that’s the only way they and their children can escape persecution, violence, and war. That’s approximately 1 in every 108 people living on this planet. We’re seeing them flee to our country, but so are other countries (ask Germany).

What’s wrong with us? Can’t we work harder toward peace? Get rid of world leaders who are egomaniacs, narcissists, power-hungry, greedy, or killing people in the name of God? Can’t we work on ourselves and our attitude of “We don’t care, because we’re fine here?”–an attitue that leads us to complacency and acceptance of violence and hatred we see in our daily lives?

Can’t we remember that, after all, we are a family of human beings?


Thanks to Lindsay West for today’s Thursday Thought. It’s something for all would-be leaders to think about. (Author is unknown.)