Tag Archive for immigrant

Idea for a Party

Here’s an idea: have an Immigrant Party and invite your immigrant friends.  Don’t have any?  Sure you do.  All of our kinfolk came from somewhere other than the U.S.  Ask your guests to come ready to share their family history—why they came to the U.S., where they landed, what type of community they lived in here, the support system they had (church? neighbors from the same part of the world?), languages spoken at home, hardships they encountered here, what they went through to gain citizenship.  Maybe each guest could bring pictures of people, places, and documents, as well as a family keepsake that reminds them of those times.  You might even want to ask people to bring food to share from one of the cultures each guest represents. 

Spend the evening sharing your food and your stories.  By the end of the night it will be very clear why you are all friends—because we’ve been given the oceans not as an obstacle to divide us but as a path to bring us together.

Pizza: An International Effort


Here’s proof that there CAN be international cooperation.

“More Immigrants = LESS Crime”

The murder of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts by a Mexican undocumented man has brought another tirade against violent, crime-happy immigrants. Pres. Trump insists that immigrants–and he seldom limits his disdain only to those who are undocumented–must be kept out of our country because of all the dangerous crime they commit.

But the research data shows the opposite may actually be true.

Below is part of a report written after gathering data for 20 years. You can read the entire report at Fact check: Immigration doesn’t bring crime into U.S., data say.


For the last decade, we have been studying how immigration to an area impacts crime.

Across our studies, one finding remains clear: Cities and neighborhoods with greater concentrations of immigrants have lower rates of crime and violence, all else being equal.

Our research also points to the importance of city context for understanding the immigration-crime relationship. In one study, for example, we found that cities with historically high immigration levels are especially likely to enjoy reduced crime rates as a result of their immigrant populations….

Our analysis of the literature reveals that immigration has a weak crime-suppressing effect. In other words, more immigration equals less crime….

The upshot? We find no evidence to indicate that immigration leads to more crime and it may, in fact, suppress it.


CA, Immigration, Violent Crime, and People who will Save Us

I don’t like outsiders coming into California and telling me what’s wrong with my state, especially when they haven’t done their homework.  I’m galled by Donald Trump’s telling us how bad the violent crime is in California and attributing it to our immigrants.

According to the CATO Institute’s Immigration and Crime–What the Research Says, “Between years 2000 and 2005, California cities with large inflows of recent immigrants tended have lower violent crimes rates [emphasis mine] and the findings are statistically significant.  During the same time period, there is no statistically significant relationship between immigration and property crime.”

The American Immigration Council  says this in The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States: “For more than a century, innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime [emphasis mine]. This holds true for both legal immigrants and the unauthorized, regardless of their country of origin or level of education.”

CNN reported in Immigrants and Crime–Crunching the Numbers that “numerous studies going back more than a century have shown that immigrants—regardless of nationality or legal status—are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated. A new report from the Immigration Policy Center notes that while the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. more than tripled between 1990 and 2013 to more than 11.2 million, ‘FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48%—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41%, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary.’”

A GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office) report shows an increase in immigrants arrested, but for immigration violations, traffic violations, and drugs, not for violent crimes.  “Based on our random sample, GAO estimates that the criminal aliens had an average of 7 arrests, 65 percent were arrested at least once for an immigration offense, and about 50 percent were arrested at least once for a drug offense. Immigration, drugs, and traffic violations accounted for about 50 percent of arrest offenses. About 90 percent of the criminal aliens sentenced in federal court in fiscal year 2009 (the most recently available data) were convicted of immigration and drug-related offenses.”

I did my own bit of homework, all by myself.  Trump and others like him have teams of people to do it for them.  But they don’t care about the truth; they care only about sound-bites and riling us up against each other so they can jump in and say, “Trust me. I’ll save you.”

Go away and leave California alone.  We don’t need your type of “saving”!



Fence out those Immigrants!

I live in California, a state that has a large population of immigrants coming in illegally.  I should, I suppose, jump on the bandwagon of the Presidential candidates who insist on building a fence to keep them out.  It’s expensive, they all agree, but worth it, say some, or will be paid for by Mexico, claims one.

I don’t understand.  Aren’t those candidates aware that many people come in through Canada, too?  Or overstay their visa or HB work permits?  What about them?  A fence won’t help.  Also, haven’t they seen the statistics that show that  2009-2014 more Mexican immigrants have been choosing, on their own, to return to their families in Mexico than have come into the U.S.?  In addition, those reports show that the theory that they’ve been returning because of our bad economy is false–it has always been better economically here than where they came from.

Come on, candidates, make that bandwagon actually count for something–like plans to solve poverty, under-education, discrimination, bigotry, and violence in our nation.



Time to Teach? Wow!

President Obama wants to revamp “No Child Left Behind” in part by limiting time spent on standardized testing.  As a teacher who spent untold hours administering those tests, I cry “Hallelujah!”

As new fads and regulations fall upon classrooms, teachers have more and more special-interest slants to add to their curriculum.  Not that most of them aren’t important.  In fact, they often pull in segments of our population that have been ignored or underrepresented in what kids are learning.  But they take time to teach.  The standardized tests steal time from the actual teaching/learning process.

The value of the tests lies in cold, hard numbers that bureaucrats can see on paper, report to the world, and use for decision-making.

However, I question that value.  I remember my students asking, “Will this count on our grade?”  Because the answer was “No,” a portion of the kids didn’t bother trying.  Another portion included those who simply were not good at taking objective tests or who, as immigrants, handled spoken English fine but written English, not so much.  Or they had trouble understanding because their growing-up experiences didn’t match those described on the test. In other words, a significant number of kids had learned a lot more than their standardized test results showed.  Is that valuable data?

Go for it, Prez.  Let’s allow time for teachers to teach and kids to learn.



Mike Nicols on the American Dream

Today’s Thursday Thought comes from the multi-talented German immigrant who passed away yesterday, Mike Nicols.  His quote offers an interesting view of what Americans hope for and dream of:

“There’s nothing in the American dream about character.  It’s a serious flaw.”