Tag Archive for goddess

ISIS: The Irony of too Many (& the Wrong) Gods


Background: Muslims believe in a single God.  The Taliban is out to destroy others who don’t believe in what they think is the same single God.  Now ISIS, an extra-ruthless faction of the Taliban, is taking their holy war to extremes, assassinating innocent people who get in the way of their steamrolling campaign to establish the One True God.

I find it ironic that they’e adopted the name ISIS.  Yes, it’s short for what they’re after–an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  But Isis is an Egyptian GODDESS!  It doesn’t seem right for them to add a god(ess) into their midst, even via their name.

Here’s another irony: Isis was the goddess of love, marriage, and health.  She represented the ideal mother and wife and was a protector of nature.  She was the friend of the little guy, the vulnerable and downtrodden.  Basically, she was the goddess of rebirth and life.

When it gets down to it, Isis represented everything the terrorist group ISIS is bent on destroying!  But I don’t think they’d even understand the irony.