Tag Archive for diet

Is Going Gluten-Free a Healthy Choice?

“A gluten-free diet is designed specifically for those with celiac disease and a condition known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity,” yet it has become a health fad, with many people convinced it’s the healthiest thing for them. Is that accurate?  If you’ve been diagnosed as unable to process gluten, yes, or if you have headaches, fatigue, and joint pain, maybe (ask your doctor if they’re related).  Otherwise, there are dangers, like getting false results on tests for celiac disease, not finding out (and being able to treat) what is really causing your health problems, deficiencies in the nutrients you need to take in, thinking that a snack food is not bad for you simply because it’s gluten-free, and just trying to avoid gluten when in social situations.

Going gluten-free is costing us millions of dollars annually–much of it spent by people who don’t need to do so. Read Gluten-free diet not healthy for everyone and decide what’s best for YOU.

The Perfect Diet, without a Doctor

Today’s  Thursday Thought quote offers a diet plan that’s  certain to  improve  our well being.  And you don’t  even need to consult a doctor first.

Maybe Our Lent Should Be Changed

Many people observe Lent.  It’s a great shot in the rump for our weight-control, which is what many of us use it for.  We give up sweets and snacks, hoping to reduce our body-weight.  This year, let’s concentrate on reducing a different kind of weight in our world, the damaging heaviness of violence, shown in unkindness, hostility, cruelty, disrespect, and selfishness.  The Institute for Peace and Justice has developed a “Pledge of Nonviolence” we can adopt as an individual, family, or group of any sort.  With it, we promise to 1) respect self and others, 2) communicate better, 3) listen, 4) forgive, 5) respect nature, 6) play creatively, and 7) be courageous. All are perfect Lenten activities.  Then, when people ask that old question, “What did you give up for Lent?” you can answer, “I gave up being a cause of violence in my world.”


Update on Yesterday’s Dementia Study

Not everyone reads comments I receive.  I think this one from Theresa Rieve is important, so I’m passing it on here as an addition to yesterday’s blog.  She says, 

The study confirms something that was known at least 20 years ago. A prior study was done with the Sisters of Notre Dame in the Motherhouse at Mankato, MN. (My Aunt, Sister Rosalyn, lived there and I have a book describing the study). The population is perfect for a study, because the subjects have 60 to 80 years of detailed medical records readily available and their lives are very similar in many ways. One of the things they found is that a particular woman could have massive plaques and tangles in her brain, but if she had lived a healthy life with proper diet and exercise, so that there was also no blockages that might cause strokes or heart attacks, there would be no symptoms of dementia. The theory was that your body will do workarounds to keep you symptom-free if you give it the chance.

[Interesting and even more hopeful.]



Scarf Up Those Greasy Foods Today

Yes, you read that right.  Today is the day to indulge yourself in all those fattening, unhealthy, messy, dripping delights, because it’s National Greasy Food Day.  (Yes, there’s a National Day for almost everything.)

What’s your favorite no-no food?  Foodimentary offers suggestions for some indulgent yummies you may never have heard of.

And remember, Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we diet!



Diet Water?!

I didn’t believe it–until I saw it.  Apparently, regular water has too much fat or too many calories (?!).  Anyway, I thought I’d pass on this valuable product to you.