Always Drink Responsibly

Drink responsibly EVERY DAY!   You go to meetings, coffee breaks, PTA functions, and soccer matches, accompanied by the ever-present cup of coffee or bottle of water.  You stop at Starbucks or 7-11 for coffee.  You jog with a bottle of water.  So, care for our planet by lessening the amount of Styrofoam and plastic on the roadsides and in the landfill.  Keep a coffee cup at your desk at work and a commuter mug in your car for use at meetings or filling at Peet’s.  Fill a water bottle on your way out to a game or run.  Keep a couple filled, in the refrigerator or freezer (great for a hot day at an arts festival).  Just be sure to rotate your cups and bottles often, bringing them home for a thorough cleaning to avoid bacteria growth.  This keeps both you and the Earth healthier.

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