Tag Archive for weak

Do It Even if you Don’t Normally Do It

I’m talking about an annual flue shot. If you haven’t already done it, do it now. You don’t want to get the regular flu anytime, but this year you don’t want to get it and have it weaken you, making you more susceptible to Covid-19. And you REALLY don’t want both at once.

I got my flu shot yesterday. Please get yours today.

We’ll All Get There

In today’s Thursday Thought quote, George Washington Carver gives some good, even practical, advice:

“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak, because someday in your life you will be all of these.”


Four Tours and He’s Weak?

My friend, age late 40s, is just a weakling.  Sure, he survived 4 tours in the hot spots of the Mid-East.  And he has served in the Marines for 18 years while raising a family.  But he’s weak because he has PTSD.

That’s what Donald Trump would call him.  That’s what he intimated to a group of veterans at the Retired American Warriors PAC–that many (not all) in the group could handle the horrors of war but others weren’t strong and couldn’t handle it.  In other words, anyone with PTSD is the opposite of strong, that is, weak.

Here’s what he said:  ““When people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it.”

Read more details and see a video clip at this Huffington Post article.  Or if you don’t trust that paper, search the words “Trump PTSD veterans weak” to find a multitude of other sources.

Do I sound upset?  No, I’m mad!  My friend and countless others who serve our country have to be strong to do their jobs.  Seeing man’s inhumanity to man on a daily basis does NOT make them weak.  In fact, I think they can just not hold back their morality any longer.


Note to Terrorists

If you haven’t learned the lesson in the last 12 years, understand this: Any attempt at weakening us will always make us stronger, because we are Americans!

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