Tag Archive for tee-shirt

How to Shop for Tee Shirts

Warmer weather is on its way. Time to dig out the old T-shirts and buy some new ones.  It’s also time to think about what slogans or pictures are on those shirts.  After all, when we dress we often become a walking billboard for what we believe.  One set of beliefs is described by these sayings (actually seen on shirts):  “It’s All About Me;” “Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver;” “Orgy of Hate;” “The last hope for humanity rests on a high powered machine gun;” “A woman’s place is chained to the stove.”  Then there is the fuzzy-headed kid urinating on a person of a clearly definable ethnic origin.  Other beliefs are expressed, of course, by crosses and religious references or Biblical quotes, but also by “I ♥ [person or place],” “World’s Greatest Mom,” “Do random acts of kindness,” and pictures of a grandchild or multi-ethnic group linking hands.  The question to ask ourselves is, Does what I’m wearing reflect who I am inside?  Now, about those bumper stickers……..

A Personal Silliness

My son has told me time and time again that I keep things an awful long time, long past when I should get rid of them. Like the tee shirt he got in high school at an amusement park — he’s now 34). But I found it in the back of my closet, and, well, it fits.

Anyway, now I think he might be right. My puppy just chewed up my favorite dust rag. It was one of my son’s diapers. Did I mention that he is now 34?`

Not Down on Down Syndrome

If you know someone with Down Syndrome, you know this is true:

Tee-Shirt Truth

Sometimes I see a tee-shirt that resonates truth.  Like this one, which I offer as today’s Thursday Thought.