Tag Archive for mass shootings

Guns DO Kill People–in the Wrong Hands

I’m not advocating taking people’s guns or rights away, but I am advocating for sensible laws and regulations (since it isn’t happening without them) that would prevent the epidemic of gun violence in our country from spreading even more.

We hear only of the larger events, not so much the smaller ones covered only by local media. On Aug. 4, 2019, 216 calendar days have passed. Compare that with these figures for those days so far related to gun violence:

33,044 incidents — 8,735 deaths — 17,344 injuries — 393 children (0-11) injured or killed — 1,798 teens (12-17) injured or killed — 253 mass shootings (yes, more than one a day). More in one half of the country than the other (see map).

If that doesn’t make gun violence an epidemic, nothing does. We MUST stop just talking about it and begin NOW to eradicate it! Other countries have managed it; why not the U.S?