Tag Archive for Kentucky

Kim Davis Still Employed?

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has every right–and moral obligation–to refuse to do something she feels strongly is against her moral convictions.  However, she does not have the right to go against her oath of office or to refuse to carry out the duties she was hired to do.  She can’t effect change by watching others issue licences for gay marriages while declining to do so herself.  Nor can she change the rules of law by refusing to do so.

It would be a meaningful step if she were to resign her position.  She could do it at a press conference, which would give her a very public forum to express her views that gay marriage is against God’s will.  That could position her as a lead spokesperson for a group who is working toward overturning the current law, giving her more power and opportunity to fight the fight.

I call on her to stop trying to have it both ways and make the sacrifice of her job for what she believes is the greater good.