Tag Archive for illegals

Two-Minute History of Illegal Immigration

Could you or a close friend be called an “Illegal” in the near future? Yes. This  short video takes us through a history of who has been deemed “illegal” in the U.S. and why.  (Note: The video takes a short while to load, and you’ll probably have to right-click on it, then select “unmute” to get sound.)


Immigration Oddities

Immigration is a hot topic right now.  People are determined to stop all those service-sapping Illegals from violating our Southern borders.  May I offer two observations?

1) Most of the immigrants in Santa Clara County have college degrees.  Most immigrants find jobs and pay taxes.  Why can’t we offer services that help the rest of them become self-sufficient, taxpaying workers?  Isn’t that a win-win situation?

2) If we’re closing our Southern borders, why aren’t we doing the same in the North?  Is it more okay for all those immigrants to come in illegally from Canada (or overstay student and work visas)?  Are European Illegals desirable when Hispanics are not?

………I was just wondering…….