Tag Archive for conflict

We’re Getting Hungrier

Droughts, floods, conflicts, and economic slowdowns: they, according to a U.N. report, are the major causes of people going hungry. They all adversely affect food production. The result is that an increasing number of human beings on our Earth are going hungry. In fact, the report says, the number of malnourished people worldwide has increased from 815 million in 2015 to 821 million in 2017, and the numbers keep rising.

What can we do? Take better care of our planet so there are fewer and less intense floods and droughts, work through groups and pressure our lawmakers to work toward peace, and help each other rebound from financial crises.

And, it goes without saying, feed the hungry, at home and abroad.

Help for Holiday Horrors

We’re entering the season of get-togethers with family, friends, and co-workers. There’s always at least one person who wants to “celebrate” by using the occasion to fight political or personal battles.  All you want to do is relax and share good food, drink, and company.

Amy Keller Laird, editor-in-chief at Women’s Health Magazine, offered (December edition of the magazine) five ways to avoid conflict during holiday gatherings. I hope they make the next month or so more enjoyable for you.

  1. Agree to disagree. Not everything is a challenge of you personally. Walk away from the argument.
  2. Keep your emotions in check. As emotions rise in the other person, our own emotions rise in response. Keep yourself calm.
  3. Use humor.  Humor (not the sarcastic or demeaning kind) helps diffuse most prickly situations.
  4. Just say NO.  If someone asks you a personal question or tries to draw you into an uncomfortable conversation, simply tell them you don’t want to talk about it. That’s a perfectly okay thing to say.
  5. Remember what’s important, why you’re at the gathering to begin with.  Keep in mind what you want out of being where you are. Make HAPPY memories for yourself and your kids.

Yes, these are all steps that depend on you. But isn’t it nice that you actually do have the power to control the situation?

By the way, I think that these five suggestions are just as good for non-holidays too.