Tag Archive for facts

We Need Our Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell represents our nation’s aspirations.  It’s good to think about it from time to time, especially now, when we need to focus on unity, not division.  Here are a couple of interesting facts about it.

Crack: Nobody knows for sure when or how the crack happened. It’s been the center of much speculation, though, based less on fact and more on symbolism. One theory is that it cracked when our nation divided itself from Britain—during the Revolutionary War.  Another is that it happened during Chief Justice John Marshall’s funeral. Despite little formal education, he rose to have great judicial influence on the direction of our country.

Ring: It hasn’t rung since 1846, during George Washington’s birthday.  Maybe it had done its job.  It was erected in 1752 and first rung when the Declaration of Independence was first read in 1776.  We were totally independent when we had our first President.

Anyway, I think it’s time to cherish such icons as the Liberty Bell and Statue of Liberty, to remember we really are—all of us — “one nation under God,” and we should stop our bickering, hatred, and cruelty to each other and reunite as a nation.

It’s Vital to Us as Americans

I know. You’re already tired of IMPEACHMENT, and the trial is just starting. Many of us are tempted to fast-forward to the end, when the final decision is made. That’s not a good idea.

We, the people, need to listen to the actual facts and tune out political posturing, half-truths, and outright lies. We need to analyze what we hear (and speakers’ telling body language), especially the questions coming directly from Senators later in the process, to determine if the Senators (both sides) are being true to their solemn oath to be fair and impartial. We need to scan the Senate floor, seeing if they’re being attentive or just napping or finding a way around the no-electronics rules. In short, we need to WATCH.

Why? Because the process reflects on us as a democracy. It shows the world if we can be trusted to practice what we preach. When it’s over, no matter what decision is made, it affects our future. If the people in power (President, Senators, others) have successfully manipulated the system, there’s no safeguard against their enacting self-serving laws, laws that make more Americans vulnerable and enrich the powerful on the backs of the poor and middle class. And our nation’s reputation and influence in the world–already severely damaged–sinks lower and lower.

But if they go 12 hours at a stretch….! Set your VCR. Watch the proceedings in bits, catching up to current time, then delete and reset for recording starting at that point. No, I don’t expect you to watch every second. But watch the majority of it. Be informed. Be critical. Be a concerned American.

And remember that an important election is coming up. If you think the Senators failed in their duty, don’t fail in yours. Make it right through your vote.

Good News About Cancer

For anyone who has a loved one suffering with the physical, mental, and emotional trauma of cancer, or who is suffering themselves or in fear of it, the American Cancer Society has given us some good news. Not a cure–yet–but something to give us hope. Here’s what the Society found:

  1. The rate of people dying from cancer has continued to decline for 25 years.
  2. Between 1991 (peak cancer deaths) and 2016, there have been an estimated 2.6 million fewer deaths from cancer.
  3. These declines are being seen in breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers.

They attribute it to three major factors: people are smoking less, cancer is being detected earlier, and treatments are improving.

Get more current details at the Society’s article Facts & Figures 2019: US Cancer Death Rate has Dropped 27% in 25 Years

New Year’s Prep: Fun Facts

Before hitting the New Year’s Eve party next week, bone up on the history of New Years. It will give you some topics of conversation both before and after people stop making sense and establish you as a New Years expert.

Fun Facts about New Year’s Eve will give you all the info you need…or want.

Happy 2020!

Some Facts About 36.7 Million People

Not long ago, it was a death sentence.  It’s feared and misunderstood by many people. Even if it isn’t in the news as much as it once was, it’s still a huge health problem.


The situation is improving–mainly because of prevention and the fact that there is life-saving medical help. But people are no longer paying much attention to it or to those afflicted with it.

On this World AIDS Day, it’s a good time to catch up on the facts surrounding this disease that currently affects the lives of about 36.7 million people–plus their families and friends.  It’s time to fully buy into this year’s World Health Organization’s theme “Right to Health” and their slogan “Everybody Counts.”

Go to http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs360/en/ to read WHO’s fact sheet on HIV/AIDS.  Knowledge leads to understanding leads to compassion leads to a cure.


Be a Stroke Hero

That’s what the American Heart Assn. is inviting us to do during May, which is American Stroke Month. It’s simple.  They explain how you can brush up on the warning signs, advocate, learn the 5 must-know facts about stroke, find out about your own numbers, and learn what else you can do.

For the sake of yourself and your loved ones–for everyone, in fact–check out all the information they provide about this “brain attack” at “You’re the Cure” (https://yourethecure.org/aha/advocacy/details.aspx?BlogId=1&PostId=4998).

[Thanks to Theresa Rieve for this information.]