Tag Archive for Senate

It’s Vital to Us as Americans

I know. You’re already tired of IMPEACHMENT, and the trial is just starting. Many of us are tempted to fast-forward to the end, when the final decision is made. That’s not a good idea.

We, the people, need to listen to the actual facts and tune out political posturing, half-truths, and outright lies. We need to analyze what we hear (and speakers’ telling body language), especially the questions coming directly from Senators later in the process, to determine if the Senators (both sides) are being true to their solemn oath to be fair and impartial. We need to scan the Senate floor, seeing if they’re being attentive or just napping or finding a way around the no-electronics rules. In short, we need to WATCH.

Why? Because the process reflects on us as a democracy. It shows the world if we can be trusted to practice what we preach. When it’s over, no matter what decision is made, it affects our future. If the people in power (President, Senators, others) have successfully manipulated the system, there’s no safeguard against their enacting self-serving laws, laws that make more Americans vulnerable and enrich the powerful on the backs of the poor and middle class. And our nation’s reputation and influence in the world–already severely damaged–sinks lower and lower.

But if they go 12 hours at a stretch….! Set your VCR. Watch the proceedings in bits, catching up to current time, then delete and reset for recording starting at that point. No, I don’t expect you to watch every second. But watch the majority of it. Be informed. Be critical. Be a concerned American.

And remember that an important election is coming up. If you think the Senators failed in their duty, don’t fail in yours. Make it right through your vote.

Letting off a Little Steam Today….

Waring: I’m venting today on something political that really bugs me–money and the Koch brothers.

At their conference “American Courage:Our Commitment to a Free Society,” they announced their plan to spend half a billion (yes, with a “B”) dollars to get Republicans elected to the Senate, to secure a majority, therefore, power. (This is after they spent hundreds of millions in 2012.)  And not just any Republicans but the ultra conservative ones whose battle cry seems to be “No negotiation–Our Way or Die!”

I don’t begrudge them the right to spend their and their backers’ money in any way they choose.  What DOES bother me is that they’re trying to buy elections. Whether we like it or not, the person with the most financial backing usually gets elected, because they’ve had more advantages of publicity, public exposure (therefore, name-recognition), chances to use negative campaigns against opponents, opportunities to make deals with groups to support him.

It just seems to me that the Kochs are trying to Cook the election, and I don’t like it!