Tag Archive for cure

A Cure for Our Country

When I saw this I had to pass it on, because it expresses the feeling that has been pouring out of my gut for a very long time. I believe this attitude is what will cure our sick nation.

Short Coronavirus Quiz

There are an increasing number of coronavirus “cures” and “preventions” out there in social media. This short quiz tests us to determine what is true or false about five of the most popular of such actions circulating today. Take the quiz here.

Warning: Coronavirus Scams

So many people are doing so many kind, generous things for others during this coronavirus danger. But there are always those who want to take advantage. Read the HuffPost article Please Don’t Believe These Coronavirus Scams And Advice and be warned about hand sanitizers, herbal supplements and cures, drinking water, latex gloves, and more.

By the way, they explain why those deliveries you get from China may actually be safe.

Good News About Cancer

For anyone who has a loved one suffering with the physical, mental, and emotional trauma of cancer, or who is suffering themselves or in fear of it, the American Cancer Society has given us some good news. Not a cure–yet–but something to give us hope. Here’s what the Society found:

  1. The rate of people dying from cancer has continued to decline for 25 years.
  2. Between 1991 (peak cancer deaths) and 2016, there have been an estimated 2.6 million fewer deaths from cancer.
  3. These declines are being seen in breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers.

They attribute it to three major factors: people are smoking less, cancer is being detected earlier, and treatments are improving.

Get more current details at the Society’s article Facts & Figures 2019: US Cancer Death Rate has Dropped 27% in 25 Years

For People with Foot Pain

Are you over age 70? If so, are you among the half whose feet hurt? Or over 24 and among the 24% in that age group with foot pain? Yes, you can go to the doctor (a good idea). But it helps to know the causes and ways to prevent, lessen, or get rid of it. The AARP article How You Can Fix Those Aching Feet offers some good insight to this.

Cure for Snoring

(Warning: Silliness to follow. It’s too hot to be serious today.)

Does your bed partner snore? Are you tired of being sleepless because of it? This cartoon shows a possible cure.

A Cure for Peek-itis

This cartoon struck me as funny–AND a good idea!

Guns: Where we stand in the World

The CDC has compiled all its 2017 statistics and revealed a startling fact: almost 40,000 people died last year from guns in the U.S. That’s the highest number in 40 years. (1999 saw 30,000 such deaths.)  It’s also the third year in a row of increase, after years of stable numbers.

Worldwide, our country makes  up 14.2% of gun deaths, surpassed only by Brazil, with 17.2% of the world’s gun-related deaths. Note that we aren’t talking war here–except individually against other individuals and ourselves. A good number of U.S. gun deaths (60%) are suicides, and we see daily news reports about someone shooting people in schools, venues, and places of worship.

You can read more specifics in the Huffington Post article U.S. Gun Violence Claimed More Lives In 2017 Than Ever: CDC.

I don’t care if you’re pro-gun, anti-gun, or something in between. It’s obvious that gun violence is an epidemic in America, one that needs a cure. Studies have shown that it isn’t because we have more people with mental health problems here–countries with similar numbers of those people don’t have the gun violence we have.

So what is the cause? We don’t know but must get serious about finding out. And what is the cure? Again, we don’t know but MUST get serious about finding out.

Some Facts About 36.7 Million People

Not long ago, it was a death sentence.  It’s feared and misunderstood by many people. Even if it isn’t in the news as much as it once was, it’s still a huge health problem.


The situation is improving–mainly because of prevention and the fact that there is life-saving medical help. But people are no longer paying much attention to it or to those afflicted with it.

On this World AIDS Day, it’s a good time to catch up on the facts surrounding this disease that currently affects the lives of about 36.7 million people–plus their families and friends.  It’s time to fully buy into this year’s World Health Organization’s theme “Right to Health” and their slogan “Everybody Counts.”

Go to http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs360/en/ to read WHO’s fact sheet on HIV/AIDS.  Knowledge leads to understanding leads to compassion leads to a cure.


“Miracle Cure” Kratom

Health warning: The increasingly popular herbal “cure” for depression, pain, anxiety and opioid withdrawal not only isn’t a cure but can be dangerous.

According to the FDA, there have been 30+ deaths related to it, and there’s no evidence that it helps with any of those conditions.  In fact, it can damage your liver and cause seizures.

So many of us believe in the power of nature–the herbal cures used successfully by  our ancestors and other cultures. This is not one of them.

Please, dear readers, keep your loved  ones and yourselves away from Kratom.