Tag Archive for quiz

Short Coronavirus Quiz

There are an increasing number of coronavirus “cures” and “preventions” out there in social media. This short quiz tests us to determine what is true or false about five of the most popular of such actions circulating today. Take the quiz here.

“Funny” TV Ads

Gotta love those funny TV commercials!  How about the ad where one guy hits another in the head with a cell phone, twice, or where a woman bounces a cue ball off the forehead of an obnoxious man?  Then there’s the guy who breaks down a wall to be allowed to answer a quiz question.  We’re supposed to laugh, of course.  If we do, though, what we’re telling our kids is that violence is both an acceptable response to minor irritants and funny.  It’s time to change this way of thinking.  We start not by laughing at the aggressive scene but by using the ads as a chance to talk to our kids about violence against our fellow humans.  Our discussion will likely bring out stories of similar antagonism on the playground or among their friends and give us a chance to offer guidance in how to handle such situations. 

How Eco-Savvy are You?

Think you know a lot about protecting the environment?  Take this short quiz.  You might learn something new.

Quiz: How Eco Savvy are You?



Global Warning–Science or Not?

The debate continues among many people.  Where do you stand?  Take this short quiz on global warming.  Go to http://holyfamilysanjose.org/documents/2014/9/Quiz–How_Eco-Savvy_Are_You.pdf.



How Green is Your Seafood?

For today’s Sensible Saturday, I invite you to take a little quiz.  It’s only 10 questions, and the answers are at the bottom.  It’s on a webpage that I maintain, so, as with everything I do over cyber-space, you don’t need to sign up for anything and your mail address won’t be tracked.

Take the short quiz, How Green is My Seafood?, at http://holyfamilysanjose.org/documents/2014/9/How_Green_is_My_Seafood.pdf.


Fascinating Video & New Stuff

Go to my other website, http://www.JackieODonnell.net, and on the Home page view a video that I think you’ll find surprising and fascinating.  There’s a bit of personal information there I’m rather proud of, too.

This newly updated website has other pages you might be interested in, as well.  Read an original poem on the Poetry page or take an informative, helpful quiz (click on  Quiz-icals).  If you or someone you know has a disability,  on the Adept-Able Living page you’ll find suggestions for a useful product and equipment maintenance/safety, plus some disability law you should know and a thoughtful quote.

While you’re wandering around my website, please visit the  My Books page and read what my paper and e-books are all about and where you can get them.

And, as always, I welcome your comments to any of my posting or the content of my website.

Thanks for reading.



For Your Reading Pleasure….

I’ve just updated my other website (http://www.jackieodonnell.net) and invite you to take a look.  There’s some of my poetry (Poetry page); some suggestions for a useful product and equipment maintenance/safety, plus some disability law, and a thoughtful quote–all for the person living with a disability himself or in his family or among her friends (Adept-Able Living page).  PLUS, for your entertainment and maybe awareness, click on the Quiz-icals page.

While you’re there, look on the Home page for a personal glimpse into my life and interests and for a special offer for my website/blog readers for a good discount on any of my e-books.  Then go to the My Books page to learn how to apply the offer.

Also, if you need any professional editing done, visit my Editing Services page.

And, as always, I welcome comments!

Thanks for reading.