Tag Archive for changes

1968 and Beyond: God Bless America

It really WAS “the year that changed America.”  While living through it in my twenties, I didn’t realize that, of course.  It just seemed that a whole lot of bad stuff and changes were happening.

I recorded the four-part series “1968: The Year that Changed America” and have just finished watching it.  I realize now that my mind, in its mercy, stretched out all those events over several years rather than containing them in that one actual year.

I realize, too, that 1968 changed not only my country but me, too. I became more aware of the atrocities people can carry out on each other and of the ever-present good people who step in to help victims; of unjust laws and people acting to change them; of prejudice and bigotry and those of all colors who unite to fight them; of senseless violence and people who mourn, then rise to say “Never again!”

Watching “1968” had an odd effect on me.  It saddened me as I remembered my emotions at the time.  And it encouraged me, because it reminded me that Americans are resilient, determined, and caring.  It made me more optimistic as I live through this current turbulent era.

And it reminded me that God truly does bless America, and He does it through us, the people.


Personal Note: 32 Years

Today my husband and I have been married 32 years.   Like everyone else, we’ve had our ups and downs.  Unlike many Hollywood couples, we took the downs and used them as building blocks for a stronger marriage and partnership. Together we overcame spiteful ex-spouses, financial hardship, deaths of loved ones, serious illness, and other life changes we didn’t plan for or want.  Also together we regained financial stability, built a successful business, matured in a variety of ways, changed directions for the better, and made it into our later years without killing each other or heading for divorce court–all of which strengthened us as a couple.  And together we produced and raised Brian, a rather remarkable human being who never stops making us proud.

That’s not a bad record for 32 years.  We don’t have 32 more, of course, but that’s okay.  We’ll accept what we have and enjoy the ride together.

Happy anniversary, Frank, and to all others who share this anniversary date with us.