1968 and Beyond: God Bless America

It really WAS “the year that changed America.”  While living through it in my twenties, I didn’t realize that, of course.  It just seemed that a whole lot of bad stuff and changes were happening.

I recorded the four-part series “1968: The Year that Changed America” and have just finished watching it.  I realize now that my mind, in its mercy, stretched out all those events over several years rather than containing them in that one actual year.

I realize, too, that 1968 changed not only my country but me, too. I became more aware of the atrocities people can carry out on each other and of the ever-present good people who step in to help victims; of unjust laws and people acting to change them; of prejudice and bigotry and those of all colors who unite to fight them; of senseless violence and people who mourn, then rise to say “Never again!”

Watching “1968” had an odd effect on me.  It saddened me as I remembered my emotions at the time.  And it encouraged me, because it reminded me that Americans are resilient, determined, and caring.  It made me more optimistic as I live through this current turbulent era.

And it reminded me that God truly does bless America, and He does it through us, the people.


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