All of us have them, and probably all of us have some that we aren’t aware of. These are impulses that we’ve had for so long that we don’t even notice that they affect how we treat other people. Let’s do a little self-examination. Here’s how: Give yourself a little test. Cover the list I’m about to give you. Open yourself to your gut reactions. Uncover the list, one at a time, and write down your immediate, uncensored feelings. If you’re honest with yourself, you may be surprised. Here’s the list: scruffy homeless man…Black teenage boy…pregnant teen…Muslim man…ex-convict…mentally challenged person…illegal immigrant…Jewish shopkeeper…day-worker…girl in black and body piercings…Asian driver…gay teacher. Now, look at what you’ve written. Think about how you felt. If you find that you’re uncomfortable, fearful, or judgmental about a particular group, remember that. Next time you meet a member of that group, push your impulses aside and actually see the individual person rather than a group-member. Starting from that perspective will lead you into a much more positive encounter and is a giant step toward building a world of understanding rather than mistrust.
Archive for admin
A Symbolic Day
Today, on the Northern Hemisphere’s Spring Equinox, may you indulge yourself in the symbolism I see in this first day of Spring. On this day, the light is actually a few minutes longer than the dark. (Elsewhere, it’s more equal.) That’s encouraging as I view so much darkness around me. It makes me hopeful, reminding me that the light can truly overcome the dark and create peace and harmony in the world.
St. Pat & the Woman in the Shadows
Yes, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, when Ireland (and Irish everywhere) celebrate Ireland’s patron saint. But last month (Feb. 1), that country’s second-favorite saint’s day went, as usual, hardly noticed outside of Ireland. That’s St. Brigid. A disciple of Patrick, she was known for her compassion, religious work, and artistry. She didn’t cast out snakes (nor did Patrick–there never were snakes in Ireland), but her day marks the 1st day of Spring in Ireland. Maybe her being in the shadows is due to the fact that (not only) back then, accomplishments of men were more often recognized than those of women.
Equalize Women’s Pay
Today is Equal Pay Day. This is the day into the year that a woman must work (adding in last year) at the same job a man works, with his having to work only through last December to earn the same amount of money.
Gee. You’d think that employers still had old fashioned ideas that a woman worked as a hobby, that she has a husband who provides for her and the needs of the family and so deserves the job and pay. Naw….who in this day and age would still think such a thing?
The Human Voice
Imagine living alone and going a week or even longer without talking to another human being. Oh, there’s TV, maybe texting, and probably recorded tele-marketing messages, but those aren’t the actual voice of a person you can interact with. This happens often to the ill and aging, especially those who have been widowed and whose kids have moved away. These people are vulnerable to depression and extreme loneliness. You can probably think of someone who might be in this situation, even if they put up a cheerful front. Take five minutes to call them. Ask if you can stop by for a visit. Or just talk awhile. Say you were thinking of them…that you saw something that reminded you of them…that you just want to catch up on what’s happening with them. And share your own news. It takes such a small effort on your part but can chase away the loneliness in someone’s life. The touch of a human voice can be a precious gift.
Greet and Save: A Happy Idea
Greeting card? In the mail?! Yes, we still get them sometimes other than Christmas. Don’t waste them. After all, a tree died to make them. Use them to surprise, amaze, and delight your friends with a personal, hand-written note. Cut down the fronts of old greeting cards to 4½” x 6½” to make nice-sized picture postcards that use a regular postcard stamp. Recycle, save, and brighten someone’s day!
[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).
Protect Mannequins from Sexual Assault
Apparently, mannequins are in danger in India. Stores in Mumbai will have to clothe them decently (no Victoria’s Secret) or remove them. The reasoning behind this regulation is supposedly that nude or provocatively dressed mannequins can provoke men to attack women sexually. Now, as everyone knows, rape is an exertion of power over another person, even a hate-crime; it is not a result of normal sexual urges or too much Viagra. Therefore, I can only conclude that those men making the rules in Mumbai really want to protect their city’s mannequins. I guess that’s their prerogative.
Celebrate Women
On this International Women’s Day, I’d like to invite all my sisters to celebrate who we are–wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, care-givers, peace-makers, providers, CEOs, government officials, and just regular human beings. Not necessarily in that order.
Toward a Stronger Marriage
Strengthen your marriage and family by pigging out! Invite a few couples to your home for a potluck “TV dinner.” Set up TV trays and a buffet-style dinner, have people load up their plates, then settle in to watch and discuss an informative video on an important issue. Although the topic may be serious, like communication within families, marriage as a partnership, blending families, or surviving your kids’ teen years, the video should be entertaining while fueling discussion. Be sure to stop it at intervals to let people talk about what they’ve heard. (As host, preview it and make note where to stop if there are not built-in discussion-pauses.) The informality of the situation encourages your friends to share their stories, and you’re likely to have at least as many laughs as serious comments. By the end of this couples-evening you will be full—of good food, good talk, and ideas to enrich your family life.