Knee-Jerk Reactions

All of us have them, and probably all of us have some that we aren’t aware of. These are impulses that we’ve had for so long that we don’t even notice that they affect how we treat other people. Let’s do a little self-examination. Here’s how: Give yourself a little test. Cover the list  I’m about to give you.  Open yourself to your gut reactions. Uncover the list, one at a time, and write down your immediate, uncensored feelings. If you’re honest with yourself, you may be  surprised. Here’s the list: scruffy homeless man…Black teenage boy…pregnant teen…Muslim man…ex-convict…mentally challenged person…illegal immigrant…Jewish shopkeeper…day-worker…girl in black and body piercings…Asian driver…gay teacher.  Now, look at what you’ve written. Think about how you felt. If you find that you’re uncomfortable, fearful, or judgmental about a particular group, remember that. Next time you meet a member of that group, push your impulses aside and actually see the individual person rather than a group-member.  Starting from that perspective will lead you into a much more positive encounter and is a giant step toward building a world of understanding rather than mistrust.

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